The cave

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When we enter the cave,we're met with sounds of clanging.  Creatures walk by carrying loads of weapons.  The five in front of me stop, so I'm forced to as well.  They begin looking around.

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible."  Caspian said.

"Peter, you may want to see this."  Susan Spoke, who was standing at the wall.  Peter followed, Caspian close behind. I went as well, wondering what she could be talking about.  Peter grabbed a torch, and held it close to the walls, showing carvings of the stories of the defeat of the White Witch.

"It's us."  Susan observed.  The others looked shocked. I looked at them surprised.

"What is this place?"  Lucy asked.

"You don't know?"  Caspian asked.  When he was met with no response, he took a torch off the wall and walked past them, heading down a tunnel.  The others followed, me bringing up the rear.  He led everyone into a dark room, and stepped to the side, touching the flame of his torch in a liquid.

It ignited, fire running along the wall and surrounding the group.  On the wall you could now see carvings of centaurs, fauns, a couple dwarves, and of Aslan, directly in the middle.  The Pevensies all looked at each other.  In front of Aslan's carving, lay the broken stone table.  Lucy was the first to get over her shock, and walked forward.  The others followed within seconds.  Lucy placed her hand on the split table, and turned to her siblings.

"He must know what he's doing."  She determined. I looked to Peter and noticed his jaw clench slightly when looking at the carving.  He turned to his siblings as well.

"I think it's up to us, now."

I looked to Caspian for a reaction, but received none. I sighed and walked out of the stuffy room, Caspian and Edmund watching me leave. I stepped outside only to be ran over by a faun.  He stopped.

Oh, I'm so sorry princess-

"Diana"  Diana is fine." I said, standing up, with his assistance.  "Where are you going in such a hurry?" I asked.

"I have news to bring the Kings and Queens of Narnia."  He said.

"Well, go.  I'm fine." I said.  He nodded and ran past me. I frowned slightly and walked to the ruins, immediately feeling at peace in the open. I took a big inhale through my nose and closed my eyes in content.

Moments later, the same faun that had run you over ran outside.  "Prin- uh Diana?"  He said, cutting himself off.  I turned.


"Prince Caspian would like to see you."

I nodded.  "Thank you." I told him, swiftly moving past him, my dress rubbing against my legs.

"It's only a matter of time." I heard Peter say as I entered the room with the stone table.  It was now quite crowded, making me immediately uncomfortable. I walked over to Caspian and sent him a questioning look.  He raised a finger, telling me he'd talk to me later. I turned my attention back on Peter.

"Miraz's men and war machines are on their way.  That means those same men aren't protecting his castle."

"What do we propose we do, your majesty?"  Reep asked.

"We need to get ready for it."

"To start planning for-"

Caspian and Peter had spoken at the same time. I shot Lucy a look, who sat on the stone table.  Peter and Caspian sent each other a look of surprise. I placed my hand on Caspian's arm.  He looked at me, then to Peter, giving him a small nod of submission.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us."  Peter continued. I raised an eyebrow at this, not fully agreeing, but understood it was none of my business.

"That's crazy.  No one has ever taken that castle."  Caspian spoke quickly.

"There's always a first time."  Peter told him. My eyebrows shot up in shock.

"We'll have the element of surprise."  Trumpkin said. I raised my hand.

"If I may?" I asked, looking to Peter.  He nodded slightly, signaling it was alright for me to voice my opinion.

"Caspian's right."

Peter rolled his eyes immediately.

"Hear me out!"  I pleaded, raising my hands like i was taming a wild animal.  "First off, we can't take the castle.  It's well guarded, and they would be on high alert since Caspian's been missing."  I held up another finger.  "We don't have near the troops or supplies to do something like that."  Another finger.  Peter crossed his arms, but listened.  "And what if we meet his army on the way?  If we even made it to the castle, we'd be extremely vulnerable.  A good defense is best."

Caspian joined in.  "We have the advantage here!"

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely."  Susan said, surprising me and Caspian.  She walked forward, standing on the other side of Caspian.  Peter sent a look of betrayal her way.

"I for one, feel safer underground."  Trufflehunter added.  Peter took a small step forward, but it felt challenging to me.

"Look, I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress.  It's a tomb."

"Yes, and if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out."  Edmund added. I rubbed my temples and let out a sigh.  Maybe they were right.  I tugged on my hair, exasperated that this was going nowhere.

"We could collect nuts!"  The same squirrel from earlier offered.

"Yes!  And throw them at the Telmarines!"  Reepicheep spoke sarcastically.  He turned to the squirrel.  "Shut up."  He looked back to the group.  "I think you know where I stand, sire."

Peter looked to the lead centaur, Glenstorm.  "If I can your troops in, can you handle the guards?"

"Or die trying, my liege."  He said, bending over in a small bow.

"That's what I'm worried about."  Lucy spoke softly.  Peter turned to her.

"Sorry?"  He asked, confused.

"You're all acting like there's only two options.  Dying here, or dying there."

"I'm not sure you've really been listening, Lu."

"No, you're not listening."  She said, raising her voice only slightly.  Peter was slightly taken aback.  She lowered her voice again.  "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?"

My mouth dropped open in shock, and my eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough."  Peter spoke, clearly upset.  I ran my hands along my face.  "It's been three days."  I muttered quietly, Peter walking out of the room.  I looked to Caspian, then began to walk out.  He grabbed my arm softly.

"Where are you going?"  He whispered.

"I need get my anger and frustration out, or I'm going to explode." I whispered back.  He released my arm, and I quickly made my way outside.

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