The sword fight

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Once outside, I began pacing, my speed picking up every couple rounds. When I realized this was only making me more anxious, I drew my sword and began swinging it in the air. A swing was met by a sudden stop, surprising me and knocking me back a couple steps. I looked up and saw Edmund, with his sword drawn as well. My face turned a shade of red, embarrassed a legendary King had just caught me swinging my sword in the air like a crazy fool.

"K-King Edmund. I apologize. I didn't see you approach." I  said, bowing slightly. He raised an amused eyebrow. "I noticed."

My face turned a darker shade of red. "The air is not a worthy opponent." He said, getting into a fighting stance. I looked at him in shock. He's got to be kidding.  My eyes widened in fear.

"I don't-"

"Come on. I'll go easy on you. I promise." He said. I wasn't sure if that comment had made me less angry, or more.

"We don't have all day." He coaxed further. I broke out of my state of what seemed to be paralysis, and got into my fighting stance as well. We waited for seconds.

"You can make the first move." He assured.
My eyebrows knit together in focus, and i lunged at him, bringing my sword down. He blocked it with his, and I moved my sword to slice at his side, which he also blocked. We swung at each other for several minutes, getting faster and faster with each swing. I had some stray wisps of hair sticking to my face, similar to Edmund. I moved back and forth in synchronized motion. I was so focused, i hadn't noticed Caspian come out, looking perturbed. He saw me and Edmund, and sat on the pillar i had previously perched on.

I had begun pushing Edmund back, as a grin slowly appeared on my face. I was enjoying myself immensely. I crashed my sword against his, pushing down, and saw him struggling slightly. His face then grew a look of confidence, and he pushed up, breaking my concentration. He drew his sword up so quickly i lost my balance. I stayed standing, but Edmund noticed, and began walking towards me, slashing away. I took several steps back, blocking his blows. He brought his sword down so hard i blocked, but the pressure made my legs give out. He kicked my sword away and held his at my throat. I laid back fully, letting my hair fan out around me. I panted heavily. Edmund smiled and sheathed his sword, coming to sit next to me, also panting.

"You're very good with a sword." He complimented. I rolled on my side, facing away from him. "Thanks" i sat up. "I'm no where near as good as you thought ." I admitted. Edmund chuckled."I do have years of experience you know." He said, looking up at the sky and squinting slightly.

We sat there in silence for a few moments until he said. "Why don't you use your sword more often then? You certainly have the skills I mean you almost beat me."

"Oh it's a story I rather not tell." I turned and saw Caspian. A smile immediately found its way on my face. I stood and ran to him, embracing him in a hug. He smiled down at me and hugged me back. I looked up at him, a look of concern now on my features. "How'd it go?"

He sighed. "We're leaving at dark." He announced. I shook my head and buried it in his chest. He placed his large hand on the back of my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned. Edmund stood there, a smirk playing at his lips. He held up a sword.

"You dropped this." He teased, holding it out to me. I looked down at my sheath, noticing it was empty. I grabbed the handle.

"Thanks." I said, sheathing it. Edmund smiled and nodded at Caspian before heading inside. As soon as he was out of earshot, Caspian turned to me.

"So. You and King Edmund?

"So. You and Queen Susan?" I retorted, a look on my face mixing between teasing and slight aggravation. I raised an eyebrow and he raised his hands slightly in mock surrender. I smirked and walked past him, leaving my friend standing there.

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