cat reveal

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WORDS: 1628


Y/N'S POV: I wake up in Yumi's bed again but this time he's faced the other way so its easier for me to leave, I get up stretch, get my clothes and I make my way to the bathroom. I start by changing then I brush my teeth and wash my face then I then I use the skin care products that Isaac gifted me and that reminded me that I need clothes like clothes that arnt sweat pants and oversized hoodies like im not mad its just that it gets boring after awhile so im probably going to online shop for my clothes since I don't really want to leave today because I literally went shopping yesterday I only got 2 pairs of underwear and bras also we somehow got a cat?! so yeahh next time I go shopping im definitely not bringing them.. anyways I go downstairs and I say energetically "morning guys!" walking to the kitchen "good morning!" Larry says waving "morning y/n" Isaac says as he takes a sip of water I go to the pantry and get myself one of Isaacs monsters "can I get one?" I ask Isaac showing him the can, he nods so I open it taking a sip and walking to the island in the kitchen "oh y/n are you doing anything today?" Larry asks I nod "oh ok" he says looking back at his phone as I start talking tanner comes down the stairs. I wave at him and then he says "Isaac im ready" "yep. bye guys!" Isaac says waving to us as he jogs away to tanner "bye Isaac!" I say and wave. I look to Larry still on his phone "why?" I ask him he looks at me confused "huh" I reply "like why did you ask me what were you gonna do?" "oh no just wondering" he says looking back at his phone 'weird' I think to myself sipping the monster and looking at my phone I check the time '10:26 am' damn I stay on my phone for a little more until Larry left for god knows what so I sit on the couch and watch Netflix.


Its been 2 hours so tanner and Isaac got back from the gym. 'I haven't done anything today at least im going to the park with Blake today' I smile to myself looking at my phone and scrolling threw twitter as I start laying down on the couch I see yumi walk down the stairs "hey yumi!" I say sitting up and waving at him "hi y/n! so uh I got some bad news.." he says opening the fridge as he continues on with his sentence "we cant go to the park today." my eyes widen surprised "oh. what came up?" I ask kinda hurt but ignoring it "oh I got plans with my girl bestfriend!" he says. "o-oh thats great haha!" I say heartbroken to think that he actually liked me. I look at my phone when I start tearing up all of a sudden so I start running upstairs going to the guest room since going to Yumi's room will make it worse then I realize. the cat! I get up again and I run to get the cat from Yumi's room, I start looking for him but I cant find him. 'fuck.' I think to myself worried that he ran away or something so I start looking around the house and asking everyone if they have seen him. I ask Larry no then tanner no I ask Isaac still no at this point i start panicking because yumi already left and im guessing that nick doesn't have him but its worth a shot of asking him. I knock on his door. no answer. I knock again. still no answer so I give up and drop to the ground while I put my hands on my head about to start crying until I hear the door opening "whats up y/n?" I hear a familiar voice say "HAVEYOUSEENTHECATBECAUSEILOSTITANDIDONTKNOWHATTODOIKNEWWESHOULDENTHAVEGOTTENITESP-" I yell until I get cut off "y/n calm down! hes in here" nick says pointing towards the bed "oh thank goodness!" I say as I take my hands off my head  "I thought you were gonna go out with yumi?" he says 'oh. great' I think to myself "he cancelled." I say looking down trying to keep myself together. nick puts his hand on my shoulder and takes me to his bed "you wanna talk about it? it looks like you have lots on your mind." nick says reassuring me "i-.." I say feeling a familiar lump in my throat 'i cant even start a sentence jesus. im so pathetic.' I feel my eyes getting watery looking down at my hands as he rubs my back "I don't know... I mean its not like I care because we arnt even together so I cant just be like 'do this!' 'do that!' so its whatever.." I say fidgeting with my hands as teardrops fall from my face. "im sorry.." he says hugging me, I quickly melt into the hug as I sob on his shoulder "do you wanna do the cat kaiya reveal thing today instead?" he says still hugging me and rubbing my back "yeah I guess.." I say putting my face into the crook of his neck "nick." I speak out loud he hums in response "you're like a brother to me.. Thank you." I say "anytime me and the group are always going to be here for you no matter what." he says pulling apart from the hug "are you feeling better?" he asks, I nod in response "do you still wanna do the cat stream tomorrow? you dont have to" he says "no im still going to do it with you guys" I say smiling. he nods and wipes a tear off my face and hugs me again "we can do it right now if you want because everyone is here" he says pulling apart from the hug "yeah sure lemme get ready!" I say excitedly jumping off the bed and walking to the door until I get stopped "y/n I went to the clothing store and got you some clothes and they are your size so they will fit" nick says smiling as he has the clothes in his hands. I walk to him and grab the clothes, smiling back at him "thank you" I say making eye contact with him then walking away, I walk upstairs and I get a towel and then I hop in the shower.


I get out the shower and start to put lotion and other things on after I finish I put my undergarments on then I start putting my pants and shirt on. the pants are baggy black pants with a shirt that is a white crop top with thin straps and a black y/f/c (your fav creator) hoodie. I smile at the thought of nick remembering my size of clothing and I put it on I start putting my makeup on which is concealer blush contour highlight eyeliner brows and mascara. not a lot but still, and then I actually start by doing my makeup.


I finally finish doing my makeup after like 30 minutes surprisingly, anyways I get out the bathroom and I go downstairs to nicks room and I knock at the door and someone says "come in!" I open the door and walk in. I see nick tanner Larry and Isaac all in the room "you ready to start?" nick asks "yep" I say sitting on a chair that's near his desk "where's the cat?" Larry asks "oh yeah where is the cat nick?" I ask nick "he's on my bed go get em" he says while Larry stands up to go get the cat. Larry gets back and puts the cat on his lap as nick gets the starting stream thing off "hey chat! welcome to the stream so today we have Larry tanner Isaac and a new member! y/n introduce yourself!" nick says "hi! so im y/n! im a new member of the group im 23 years old my favorite color is y/f/c(your fav color)  and I think that's all I gotta say for now at least?" I say shrugging "yeah so also yumi isn't here because he had something to do but anyways we got a surprise for you guys!" nick says as Larry brings the cat up "we got a cat." I say getting the cat from Larry and pointing it at the camera, the cat meows so I give him to Larry again "so we need a y/n for him the 3 most said names we'll put into a poll so then you guys can vote!" Nick says raising his hands up.


3 hours go by and they decided the y/n for the cat like an hour ago but chat wanted a q&a soo, nick decides to still stream but I go up to the theater room with the cat and I put on y/f/m(your fav movie) when im about to start it someone comes in "hey I heard you were watching a movie!" the person says "yeah come join me!" I say not knowing who it is because the rooms pitch black, as the person comes into sit down next to me I could tell who it is. yumi. "hey blake" I say kinda smiling but then looking at the tv starting the movie.

guys.... ik your mad at me AND IM SORRRYYYYYY  this was supposed to come out like 3 weeks ago mbbbbbb I had lots on my mind so i couldent finish it but wtv also cat name coming out next part the ends kinda rushed but i needed this shi to come out lol

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