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hey guys whats up
WARNINGS: swearing
WORDS: 1730

I shuffle a little in the comfortable coverers that I'm in forgetting who's in my bed and getting confused for a second then realizing that he slept in my bed again I sigh at the thought of him sleeping here again. Yes I do like it. But my feelings are just getting stronger by the minute which just gets harder to hide. I turn around to find a sleeping Blake quietly snoring with his messy hair and hands cuddled up on me, I quietly get my phone behind him trying not to wake him up. I look at the time, 7:23 holy shit its early 'what the fuck' I think to myself questioning how I'm awake at this time, I put my phone on my chest looking up at the ceiling not knowing what to do. I decide to try and get up and maybe go to the gym or something so I put my phone back slowly getting up from the bed but as soon as I do I feel a pair of big hands grip my waist "noo..,stay a little longer.." I hear from the sleepy man beside me "Blake I gotta get up.' I whisper trying not to fully wake him up "pleaseee?...just for a bit.." he tiredly says in his morning voice pulling me back into the position I was a few minutes ago. "fine but only for a bit" I say smiling and getting a burst of confidence so in result I end up kissing him on the cheek, Both of us not minding it I quickly snuggle up in his arms feeling peace and quiet, I lay my head on his chest hearing his calm heartbeat and his low breathing above my head. I quickly go back to sleep feeling happy and warm.

-4 hours later

I slowly blink looking up at the ceiling realizing I fell asleep again, I go and get my phone from behind Yumi trying to not wake him up, I check my phone and it reads 11:03 'shit' I slept for a bit long I think to myself trying to get up from the bed for the second time "where're you goin'?.." Yumi yawns while stretching, "tryna get up, its 11 already we needa get up." I say half asleep standing up, "ookay.." he says getting up with me, I go to open the door and make my way towards the bathroom locking the door behind me as I go in. I quickly use the bathroom and I start the shower.


after I finish showering and changing I go downstairs seeing Tanner in the kitchen, "oh hey y/n" I hear Tanner say looking up from his phone and smiling, I smile back walking towards the counter "so whatcha doin?" I ask leaning on the counter, "just chillin.." Tanner pauses before continuing his sentence "you wanna go to the gym or something?" He asks putting his phone down and looking at me, "I mean I would but I just showered what about The park or something?" I suggest tilting my head a bit "oh! what if we go shopping for valentines day?!" He asks very excited about the idea he came up with, "oo that's not a bad idea!" I say pulling out my Phone, "alright put your shoes on I'm going to be in the car then!" he says basically jumping out of his chair. He quickly runs to the front door disappearing from my sight, I sigh making my way towards the entrance getting my shoes from the floor and walking out the front door, I walk towards the car seeing Tanner lip syncing to a few songs I found it cute so I decided to not bother him. As I get into the car he quickly reverses out and onto the main road


He pulls up into a Walmart slowly driving into a parking lot, I open the door grabbing my wallet and phone as I get out and walk towards the Walmart, "dude wait up!" I hear Tanner say from behind me completely forgetting he came too so I wait for him at the main entrance, as soon as he finally arrives I get the cart out and walk into the store "sooo..what are we looking for exactly?.." I ask kinda confused "well we could make them baskets? i don't know.." He says looking at all the valentines decorations, "I meannn..should we bake cookies?" I ask showing him a cookie mix bag, "oo! lets bake a cake!" He says very excitedly, I nod putting some cake mix that I found in the cart, "so how do we make a basket exactly?.." He asks looking at a bear, "well first off we need to get the baskets of course but mainly in a basket you put stuff they enjoy or that reminds you of them!" I say smiling thinking at the thought of Yumi, "okay easy. we're doing them together right? like us working on their baskets together?" He asks me curiously "I mean obviously this is going to be like 1000 dollars alone!" I say laughing, "ooh shitt. what if we only do it for Larry and Yumi or something" he replies, "I mean we could do that and then make nick buy Isaac a basket so everyone has something for valentines day." I say stopping the cart to look at Tanner, "Oh what if we make it a challenge! whoever has the best basket wins! for example if nick makes a basket for Isaac and its better than all of them he wins you know what I'm talking about?" I say excitedly, "ohh yeah! okay I know what your talking about! so everyone has to make a basket for their friend? like me and Larry have to make baskets for each other right?" He asks making sure he's right "exactly! we just have to tell the others then"  I say clapping my hands together in excitement, "oh my god we should make this a vlog!" he suggests pulling out his phone to call nick about it I'm guessing, as he does that I continue to push the cart around looking at all the candy out, I pick out a few of Yumi's favorite candys and make my way to the chips isle picking a big bag of his favorite chips pushing the cart towards the valentines day stuff again. I scan through the bears but none stand out until I find the perfect thing for him, a fat bear with a small head! a 'djungelskog' to be exact, 'perfect' I think to myself as I place it in the cart as well as some chocolates and some Minecraft Legos that I found laying around. I look for some baskets realizing I'm almost done I see Tanner running up towards me "Y/N!" I hear him yell out finally stopping in front of me "so basically nick is going to tell the others later as a surprise sort of so when we get there we're going to have to hide the stuff somewhere." he says very fast almost not understanding him, "okay it shouldn't be to hard. also I'm almost done.." I say looking at the cart full of stuff "eww what is that thing! omg its beautiful and perfect!" He says holding the bear up, we both laugh as he holds the ear but soon decided to run off getting his own cart so he would be able to keep his things hidden from me so I do the same.

-time skip to when you're going home with your items

we finally arrive home opening the front door and kicking of my adidas off my feet and going straight into my room, I place the bags on my bed taking everything out and placing everything into the basket, we had to go to another store for the basket but atleast it was cute. Its a plastic box with little hearts all around, after everything is placed inside I put it in a bag and in the corner of my room putting a sticky note saying 'IMPORTANT DONT TOUCH' so no one touches it. I leave it there making my way towards Yumi's room since I havent seen him all day except in the morning,  I knock on the door 'knock' 'knock' interesting no response, maybe he's not in there so I walk away till I hear something get knocked down, I knock again but this time I call out for him "Yumi? you okay in there?" I ask getting a little worried, He opens the door and his face is all red and sweaty "You okay in there?" I ask smiling awkwardly "why are you sweating? and red?" I ask confused, "streaming.. You needed me or somethin?" he replies as his accent comes out a bit, yes ill admit its a little hot when his accent comes out but I cant do anything about it, "earth to y/n?" He says snapping me out of my trance "oh right did nick tell you about the valentines day thing?" I ask smiling shyly, "yupp Im buying the stuff like tomorrow " he says smiling back at me " are you sure you're going to have time to buy the stuff tomorrow?" I ask a little worried, "yup all good" He says before shutting the door and locking it. 'weird' I think to myself as I walk downstairs meeting all the guys in the living room, I quickly say hi getting a glass of water then upstairs back into my room, I sit on my bed taking a quick sip of water before going on my phone. As I scroll through tiktok I see a notification pop up 'theres going to be a party later tonight at like 12 or something and we're all going if you wanna come '-yum yum sauce I read it and sigh texting him back 'anyone ik gonna be there?' I ask impatiently waiting for him to text back 'uhh its droids birthday so I think soup, blarg, and like smitty or something idk' he types back, 'okay im gts night' I text him putting my phone down to take a sip of water 'holy shit' I think to myself, I put my phone to charge and I snuggle up in my blanket slowly drifting to sleep.


its been a while guys but im back kinda

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