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I HATE using the name blake for yumi but I have too bc if you put youself irl then its like weird calling your bf his gamer name or wtv
WORDS: 3250
WARNINGS: strong language

Y/N' POV: I wake up on the couch next to Blake, he's sitting next to me with his arm around my shoulder while luca the cat is sitting on my lap. they are both sound asleep so I try and get up without waking them up so I could use the bathroom I hear Blake move around trying to lay down when I stand up, I walk to his room to get a blanket for him, I put it on him and I adjust him so he's laying down and I put luca on Blake so they both sleep well, I turn the tv off(idk if its a tv or not) and I walk out of the room making my way to the bathroom upstairs to get ready for the day. I open the door and I start to brush my teeth and then I realize.. My clothes are coming in today! I finish brushing my teeth then I move on to skincare and what not, after I finish I start the shower and then I walk to Blakes room to get clothes since the ones I have on I wore yesterday. I take my clothes off and I get in the shower.

(new time skip is -)

after I finish showering and putting my clothes on I go downstairs and get water from the pantry then I lay down on the couch to watch tv, as im grabbing the remote I see Isaac "morning" I say getting up to face him "hey y/n" he says "you want breakfast?" he asks facing me "uh sure..?" I say realizing I haven't eaten in a while. I sip my water as im watching netflix on the tv then larry and tanner come down the stairs "hey guys" tanner says "morning tanner" I reply waving at him larry comes running to me and jumps on the beanbag "hi y/n" he says "hi lare" I say smiling at him "whatcha watching?" he asks getting up and laying next to me. "im watching shameless on netflix!" I say "oh I keep seeing shameless episodes on my tiktok so ima watch with you" he says looking at the tv "okay" I say smiling looking at the tv "y/n your breakfast is done!" isaac says yelling "oh, thank you isaac" I say getting up to go eat the food. I get my food and its to my suprise y/f/b/f (your fav breakfast) I smile then start eating.


I finish my food and I wash the plate after im done i ask larry to come with me to the gas station he of course says yes so i go and start the car but to my surprise blakes awake! "hey y/n..." he says rubbing his eyes "morning blake! im going to the gas station if you need anything" i say walking to the door i hear him say okay so i go into my car and i start to play music while waiting for larry. I scroll through my playlist and i find 'starships by nicki minaj' so i put it on and turn on shuffle while i start singing larry comes out and opens the door "lets go!" he saying jumping i roll my eyes smiling starting to get out the driveway "so y/n you and blake huh.." larry says outta no where i turn the music down "what?" i ask confused because theres nothing going on between us "i mean its kinda obvious that you guys like eachother.." he says scrolling on his phone " noo... at least i dont think... he doesnt like me like that.." i say sighing paying attention to the road. "yeah okay whatever you say y/n" he says "what?? yk what im just gonna sing.." i say turning the music up but realizing theres another
song on, 'heart racing by kanii, riovaz, and nimstarr' she'll never believe in tough love! cause your the reason my hearts racing dont know why but ill keep chasing! im tired of your lies im through with all your games.. i stop while parking in the space outside 7/11. i open my door and then i shut it i walk to the 7/ll door and larry opens it "thanks" i say walking in and going to the drinks, i get strawberry monster and then i make my way to the chips and i get takis "larry you ready?" i ask putting my stuff onto the counter "yup!" he says walking up to me and doing the same. the man says "16.32" while he bags the items i give him cash then we walk out and get into the car, "put a song on" i tell larry starting the car "whats your password?" he asks "9864" i say and he puts the code in and puts the song 'anaconda by nicki minaj' "OH YEA" i yell turning it all the way up while smiling and turning to look at larry who already is looking at me. we both know the lyrics so we start singing loudly while we both start somewhat dancing and jamming out to the song and before i know it, it ends right when we arrive home. i park and get the bag then i get out to go to the house, i look and i realize larrys already inside so i just go in "we're home!' i yell out taking my stuff out the bag and throwing the bag in the trash, i sit on the couch and then i turn on the tv and put youtube on then outta no where i feel someone next to me, i look over and see Blake "oh hey!" i say sitting up "hey.." he says in a sad tone "whats wrong you seem sad?" i ask worried about him "nothing.. but can i stay with you?.." he asks puting his head on my lap, flustered, i say "y-yeah sure! do you need me to do anything for you?" he shakes his head and closes his eyes. I stare at him for a good minute and i realize that ive been looking at him so i look at the tv for distractions.

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