Pinball love VANCE H. ♡

151 0 11

Sorry Vance lovers he's gonna be a little rude in the start. . . ♡



I just moved into this new town, and I just finished my room I love it already, it way different from my old room back home. It's a lot bigger.

I walk down stairs looking at the clock seeing it say 4:14PM. I look over at my mom seeing her looking back at me.

"Hey mom can I go out for a little? I wanna look around." I ask walking closer to her.

"Yeah sure hun. Can you get some snacks for your little brothers while your out? You can get something for yourself also." My mom says getting up and grabbing two 20's put of her wallet. "That should be enough for somethings." She says giving the 40 bucks to me.

"Thanks mom. When do I need to come back?" I ask putting the money in my pocket.

"Hmm... it's Saturday so be home around 9ish please." My mom walks over to Freddie and Eddie, picking them up to take them to the play room.

"Okay thanks mom!" I yell at her because she was going up the stairs "I love you!" I yell walking out the door hearing a faint 'I love you too hunny.' From the new house.

I walk around the town for a bit seeing a dog park, a normal park, and a baseball field. While on my walk I remembered that I have 40 bucks. Walking a little faster to try and find a place that sells snacks. When I turn the corner I see at place called 'GrabnGo'

"GrabnGo? That's a weird name..." I say walking in I hear a little jingle from the door when I opened it, looking around seeing that there's a lot of people my age around here. Looking straight up seeing the cashier wave at me with a smile, and I wave back walking to the candy section of the store. 'Hmm.. what would those little brats like..' I think to myself bending down to have a better look at the candy.

After looking for about a minute I grab some candy I think they would like, and something for myself of course. Walking over to the drink area, grabbing a drink for myself. Then walking up to the cashier with everything in hand

"Will this be all for today?" The nice lady looks at my stuff then up at me with a heart warming smile.

"Yeah that will be everything for today." I look into her eyes with a smile back at her. Grabbing the money out of my pocket.

"Okay your total is 20.29." The lady looks at me again waiting for the money. I give her both of the 20's that I had waiting for her to bag everything. "Would you like some quarters for the pinball game?" She look at me raising her eyebrow.

"You know what fuck it. Sure." I say not wanting to go home just yet.

"Okay how many?" She starts counting quarters.

"I'll just do 8 today." I say knowing that the pinball game only takes 1 quarter per-play.

"Okay here is all of your change." She gives me my money with a smile again. I'm starting to think this smile is forced, taking my candy and soda over to the pinball machine. Placing my stuff down putting a quarter in. Everyone went quite when I did.

I questioned it but I didn't worry. And I start playing. I play for a long time until I hear some people gasp. Maybe it's because I already have a really high score

I went out to eat with some friends and took a break from pinball just for a little once we're done eating we go back to the 'GrabnGo' and walk in, I start hearing people gasp seeing me. Weird. I'm always here so why are they gasping? I question that until I look over at the pinball machine seeing someone playing the game and I look at their score it's close to mine already. I wasn't even gone for that long how the fuck did they get that score so fast.

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