Heartbreaking Love. ROBIN A. ♡

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My pookie requested this so here I am with it, I hope you guys enjoy. ♡

I was hanging out with my boyfriend Robin. But lately he's been very... Distant? Yeah.. I mean I understand why, with like math and everything. It just kinda hurts, he use to always want to hold me. And now, he's always on call with someone.

Today is the day I find out who's been calling him.

We're over at his house right now, and I'm sitting on the couch trying to talk to him.

"Hey, Robin, could we do something other then just sit here? Like watch a moive or something? Maybe go outside and hang out with Finney?" I look at him, whiles he's not looking at me.

"Yeah sure, whatever, put a moive on or something." He looks bored to have me here.

"Oh uhm, okay..." I get up and go to look for a moive, out of the moive book (did you guys ever have those when you were younger? I did.)

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom your taking to long." Robin gets up before I could say anything.

"Okay..." just then I hear the phone ring and I run to it, like all the popular boys run to lunch. "Hello?"

"Uhm.. Hi is Robin there?" I hear a female voice on the phone, and it's not his mom.

"Uhm yeah, but he's in the bathroom... Who is this?" My voice cracks, I'm about to cry.

"This is Katie?? His girlfriend? Are you his mom?" Girlfriend? He has more then 1 girlfriend.

"Uhm no this is his uh.. Sister! I didn't know he had a Girlfriend... You sound... So... Nice.." I cringe at myself calling her nice, her voice is high pitched and basically hurts my ears whenever she talks.

"Oh that's cute... Why didn't he tell me he has a sister?" She says, still hurting my ears whenever she talks.

"I don't know. I'll tell him to call you when he gets out of the bathroom." I say with my voice cracking more. I am so close to crying.

"Okay, bye bye Robin's sister!" She says then hangs up.

"This motherfucker." I say with tears running down my face. Going over to the kitchen and grabbing a pen and paper.

Hey asshole. Your girlfriend called. Call her back. Fuck you.


After writing the note, some tears get on there. And I walk to the door slamming it when I walk out. Running to my bestfriends house. Zoe.

I knock on the door. Still crying.

"Hey whatsup... babe what's wrong?!" She says looking at me. I probably look like shit.

"Robin's... Cheating..." is all I could get out without crying.

"Your lying babe." Zoe says looking pissed.

"No." I say wiping tears away.

"Come on babe, we're gonna show him what he's missing out on." She grabs my hand, and walks inside.

I was sitting in the bathroom, I didn't really have to use the bathroom, I was just bored of being with (Y/N). But then, as soon as about about to walk out the door of the bathroom, I hear the front door slam shut.

'Is Uncle Wayne home?' I think to myself. Running down stairs to not see him, or (Y/N)... I look around, and I see a note that they wrote. I read it, seeing dried up tears on the paper.


I say to myself, I go to grab my shoes, but then I think. I still have Katie, what matters? (Y/N) isn't the same anymore, I kinda stoped liking them.

I grab the phone and I Call Katie up.

"Hola mami, ¿cómo está mi chica caliente?" ("Hi mommy, how's my hot girl?")

"Uhm I'm good... Why didn't you tell me you have a sister?" She says a little bit of an upset tone.

"Mami... I don't have a sister?" I say questioning

"Then who the hell was on the phone Robin? Are you cheating on me? We've been together for 2 weeks!" Katie starts yelling at me.

"Mami, shhh calm down, I would never cheat on you, I love you too much." I say. It's the same thing I said to (Y/N) when we first started dating.

"Uhm... okay I believe you Robin." She says. Bit it doesn't sound like she does.

"Of course Mami, I would never cheat on my beautiful girl." I smirk.

"Babe. You need a new boyfriend,  who won't play you, for some saggy tit bitch." Zoe says putting a face mask on me.

"Like who? A lot of the guys at our school are ugly, or their just like Robin." I look at her, with teary eye.

"What about Finney babe? He's cute. And Donna no longer has a crush on him!" Zoe says moving my face to get the other side painted with the face mask.

"FINNEY? You mean Robin's best fucking friend." I move my head to look at her.

"Oh yeah thise two are bestfriends... babe you need to treat him like how he treated you. Also why not? Do you not see Finney giving you heart eyes all day in class?" Zoe says moving my head back to where she first had put it. "There in done, now lemme wash my hands so I can do your nails!" She says running over to the sink to wash her hands.

I laugh, and start thinking about Finney... I mean he is cute, really shy... nothing like Robin. Maybe...

A few months later. . . ♡

It's been a few months, and I've somehow found myself crushing on Finney, yet I still see Robin looking at me every now and then. Zoe, Donna, and I were walking to my locker to put shit away for next class, when we see Robin and Katie... Fighting? Those two are known as the 'perfect' couple.

"Robin I don't like you anymore! Stop it. I ha r a new boyfriend and he's way hotter then you!" Katie yells ar Robin.

"But mami-" Robin starts, and then turning my way to look at me. My heart melts into his look... wait what?! I don't like him anymore I like Finney! I mentally yell at myself. "Mami... Heyyy... I'm so sorry about what happened a few months ago... Please forgive me?" He starts walking up to me.

"Forgive you? For fucking cheating on me? With this saggy tit bitch? Pfft- no. Why would I even forgive you Robin. I loved you. But you didn't love me back. Fuck you." I say and I push him out of my way to get to my locker putting my shit away.

Fuck you Robin.



Hey everyone, sorry if this isn't what you wanted pookie, I tried idk how to make these ones I NEED MORE IDEAS 💀💀 PLS

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