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Everyone this is gonna be a quick story, sorry for not posting- almost went to the mental hospital again

"I love you." He said to me for the last time.

That was years ago. I moved away. But this year, I decided to go to my high school reunion. Maybe He's there. It doesnt matter though, I have my boyfriend.. no I have Kevin. The baby daddy to my baby girl.

"Kevin are you going to Denver with me and baby?" I look at him, washing dishes and feeding baby.

"Fuck no. I'm going out with Ava right now remember?" He looks at me drinking his beer.

"Sorry for asking." I look away finishing the dishes, getting baby out of her highchair, bringing her upstairs to go get her ready.

"Momma.. Why is daddy not coming with us?" Baby looks at me sitting on my bed.

"Daddy has a friend hes with right now. But.. that doesnt matter right? Remember you get to see auntie Gwen." I give her a smile, packing her clothes.

"Really?" She looks at me smiling.

"Yes baby. Yes you do. And uncle Robin." I finish packing her up, bringing her and her stuff out to the car.

"Yay!" She throws her arms up.

She still doesnt know about him. The man I wanted to be her dad.

I miss him. I still want him. I hate the fact that I want to be with him still. I hate him. But I love him.

I cant even say his name. 

I get into the car, after putting baby into her carseat, starting to drive to the airport, I look around watching the sky move with me.

"Want to listen to music?" I look at baby, then back at the road.

"Yes please!" She smiles, I turn on her favorite music, laughing looking at her through the mirror.

Once we got to the airport, I get her out, and grab our bags. I set baby down, and she plays on her table. I get picked up by someone arms

"Hola Bella dama!" I hear Robins voice.

"Robin!" I laugh, getting put on the ground, turning and looking at Robin, baby runs up to him and hugs his leg, I look behind Robin and see him. I gasp, and look away tearing up a little bit.

"Bella dama you okay?" Robin asks looking at him after, making an 'o' with his mouth "Bella dama... I swear he missed you... maybe you and Niña bonita should talk to him." Robin gave me a reassuring smile, telling me to do it.

I nod, grabbing baby, and holding her on my hip. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder.



Hello everyone! It's been a minute huh? Well I'm back and ready to write! Pls pls give me some ideas to write... I hope you guys like this, I could make a part 2 if wanted I love all you guys so so so much!

Love JayJay 🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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