Pinball love pt. 2 VANCE H. ♡

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Hello everyone this is part 2 I hope you all like it like. . . ♡


Me and Vance have been hanging out for awhile now, he's also became friends with Donna and Zoe. Not as good as him and I but still friends.

I walk up to my locker, with Donna and Zoe seeing it a little bit open.

"O.m.g (Y/N) has a special someone!!" Zoe screams running up to my locker.

"Jesus Christ-" I stop looking over to at Donna seeing her laughing at Zoe, walking over to her, I open my locker to see a note

Hey (Y/N) I wanted you to know that I love you and I always have. Maybe we can go to the arcade for a date?


"Huh? Whaaat it's not Vance?" Zoe says with sad eyes

"Who's name starts with H? (Y/N) doesn't talk to anyone who does." Donna says pointing her finger at the note.

"True! Don your so smart!" Zoe jumps on Donna and hugs her, with Donna hugging Zoe back.

"So (N/N) are you gonna go on that date?" Donna looks up from hugging Zoe.

"Fuck I don't know, I mean what if this so just a prank that someone is pulling on me-"

"Or someone likes you." Zoe says cutting me off from my sentence.

"Whatever. I'll go but you guys have to go with me, so if it is a prank I don't look stupid." I say going to my locker, grabbing my books for next class, and walk off.

"Their 100% inlove with him."

"Yeah." Donna and Zoe look at eachother, Zoe grabbing her books out of my locker, because her lockers too full to put them in. And they walk off.

Time skip to lunch ♡

I was walking with Donna and Zoe when I get lifted up in the air

"Boo." A deep voice says in my ear giving me shivers down my spine.

"Fucking christ Vance! Don't scare me like that." I laugh, getting myself down from his grasp, turning and hugging him. "Where were you yesterday?"

"I skipped school." He says hugging me back.

"Vance Hopper!" I yell hitting the back of his head.

"Shit okay, okay I'm sorry." He looks up so I can't see him rolling his eyes at my motherly like act.

"Uhm, guys... we only have 30 minutes of lunch left..." Zoe says, making us stop hugging, and start to walk into the lunch room.

Another time skip because I haven't ate today, and I'm hungry, also lazy.

It's after school now, and I just said goodbye to all my friends. (Most of them being Vances friends.) Walking with Donna and Zoe to my house to get ready for this "date".

"Oh my god, we're gonna look so good! But first we need you to look good!" Zoe says grabbing my shoulder.

"I know that's all you've been talking about all day." I look at her rubbing my eyes. Walking up to my door, getting my keys and opening the door.

Zoe runs in before me, causing me to fall over a little. Donna and I walking in after her

"Okay time to get ready!" Zoe grabs both mine and Donna's hands.

"Personally I think I did really good on (Y/N)." Zoe says flipping her long brown hair. She's wearing jeans and a cute flower top, with just a little bit of makeup on.

"Yeah and I did really good on their outfit." Donna smiles, she has her hair like she normally does, with a long black sleeve shirt, and a dress covering most of it. No makeup on.

And then me. I'm dressed in some jeans with a hoodie on, but under I have a crop top on, only reason I have a hoodie on over it is because I still don't know if it's a prank or not.

"Come on girl, if it is a prank you have us!" Zoe says reassuring me for the 14th time sense we walked out the door.

"Zo, I'm just scared. Like what if this is a prank that someone is pulling to make me look stupid?" I look over at her, waiting for the light to go red, so we could cross the street.

Once we got into the Arcade, we paid for ourselfs. I look around trying to fi d someone I know.


I wait with my friends at the Arcade. Hopefully to see (Y/N). I've had a crush on them for awhile now, I hope they feel the same as me.

I look, and I see them. I see (Y/N), they look so pretty. I grab the nite out of my pocket, telling my friends where I'm going.

I tap (Y/N) shoulder.

"OH MY GOD. Oh its you Vance... What are you doing?" They say with the cutest smile.

"Uhm.. I have to give you this.." I say a little worried that they won't like me back.

I love you so much (Y/N). I don't know if you like me back. I just need to tell you this, be my girlfriend?

Love, Pinball Vance.

When they were done reading it, their eyes widened, and with a smile they kissed me. I melted into the kiss. They love me back.

"So I can take that as a yes?" I look at them, putting my forehead on theirs.

"Yes you can Vance." They look at me, giving me another quick kiss, before looking at Donna and Zoe. "Hey giys I'm going to go on my date ill hang out with you guys after, okay?" They smile.

"Yeah, don't worry babe, we'll hang out with Vances friends, have fun!" Zie, says with a big smile, taking Donna's hand walking away.

"So what do you want to do?" I look down at them.

"Wanna play some Pinball?" They giggle at me.

"Hell yeah, come on doll."I grab their hand walking over to the pinball machine.


"It's Pinball love." Donna looks Zoe laughing.

"For sure." Zoe says looking at Donna. "Now come on, I wanna go see Bruce, I also heard that Finneys gonna be there." Zoe giggles at Donna.

"Oh my god zo..." Donna looks up, rolling her eyes.

Both Zoe and Donna walk off To hang out with them.


"I love you Doll." Vance looks at (Y/N).

"I love you too Pinball Vance." (Y/N) looks at Vance.


Hey everyone, sorry this took so long to make, I was almost sent to a mental hospital, so it took a little longer then expected. Thank you for reading, and I hope you like the ending.

Words: 1122

Love you, Y U K O

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