Chapter 8: "Bruce and secret revealed?"

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Since Finney started living with Vance his life got a bit better. It still was hard tho, his bullies, the fact that he has to save his friends from kidnapping, The Grabber, the experiments. He didnt had much break


Today was 30th of June. The last day of school before the holidays(A/N: I dont know if it's the last day, but at my school it probably would be so bear with it). He was sitting at the cafeteria with his friends as always at lunch. He was thinking about Bruces kidnapping. It was soon very soon. He had  around 19 days to figure out how to save Bruce. Hell, he didnt even know how Bruce got kidnapped. "Finney? You okey? What you're thinking about so hard?" asked Billy. "How to save you..." he mumbled not really realizing what he just said. "What do you mean?" Robin asked. When Robin asked that Finn realized what he just said. 'Shit. Im so stupid' thought Finney and mentaly facepalmed himself. "Nothing. You dont need to worry about that" he answered Robin trying to cut the topic short. "Finney..." Bruce started. "I said that it's really nothing you should be worried about" he said cutting Bruce off. Then the bell rang and he stood up and left to his class leaving his shocked friends there


After lessons he was walking towards school entrance. He then heard his bullies behind him and speed up his pace. When he was walking towards the bathroom he passed his friends. He didnt payed much attention to this tho since the bullies were after him. His friends saw that and decided to follow him. Finn then went inside the bathroom and slid down the wall. "Oh come on Finney. Running away from us like that" said one of the bullies when all 3 walked inside the bathroom. He then walked up to Finney and procceded beating him up. Soon after his friends entered the bathroom. "Didnt I said last time that if you will do anything to him I'm gonna break your fucking bones!" Vance said and walked up to the bully that was beating up Finney and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He then procceded beating him up. The other 2 ran away and the rest of Finneys friends walked up to him. "You okey?" Robin asked hugging Finney. "Yea I'm fine..." said Finn. Vance stopped beating up the bully and let him go he immediately ran away. Vance walked up to Finney. " You sure you will be okey, kid? You look roughed up" Vance said. "Yea. I'll be fine. Don't worry" Finn said smiling a bit. He suddenly quietly hissed. His wings were in horendous pain, because he wasnt revealing them for a two weeks at least. But he couldnt do it right now. His friends were here..."Okey. Lets go" Finn said standing up. He then started walking out of the bathroom his friends following him. They were behind him, well expect Robin he was next to him with his hand around Finneys waist. Finney blushed slightly, but continued walking. When they got to Vances car he and Vance said bye to others and got inside and started driving home


When they got there he quickly went to his room and locked the door. He then slid down the door and revealed his wings. They hurt him a lot, because it's been two weeks since he last time revealed them. Some of the feathers on his wings were bent and he had to straighten them up witch was always quite painfull process. He was hissing in pain while doing this, but he menaged to keep himself pretty quiet. After he ended doing that he had another vision. This time with Bruces kidnapping. He saw that Bruce was kidnapped while driving his bike and then the vision ended. He at least knew how Bruce was kidnapped, but he still didnt had idea how to save him. Will he fail it this time?...


No he wont, because the next day Bruce called everyone and asked if they want to have sleepover the 18th of July. Finn immediately agreed. He also decided that since he almost saved everyone from kidnapping its time to tell them the truth about being lab experiment


The sleepover came faster then he expected. He was a nervous wreck. Why? Because smart Finney thought he will tell his friends his secret on the sleepover and already told Robin that he will tell then something. His fault. He should never do that in the first place, but here we are. The sleepover was great. They were having a great fun. Bruce didnt even thought about getting his bike out. He instead was spending time with his friends meaning only one:

Finney Blake saved Bruce Yamada

Suddenly Robin said: "Finney you were ment to tell us something". His other friends looked at him. "Dont look at me like that. He just one day called me and told me that he will tell us something at the sleepover". His friends then looked at him. He stood up. "Okey sooo. I dont know how to even say that...I hope you wont reject me for that..." Finn mumbled. His friends expresions turned to sad/worried ones. "Finney. We will never reject you. No matter what you will tell us" said Billy the others immediately agreeing with him. Finn took a deep breath and looked away from his friends. "Soo when I was younger...I got kidnapped and painfully experimented on by the scientists...and the experiments..." he stopped for a second and revealed his wings and form he has when he has them out. "And the experiments gave me wings and ability to see the future..." Finn said trialing off. After a longer while he looked at his friends they were shocked

Notes: Hello there folks. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also sorry for leaving you with cliffhanger like that, but yea. I'm evil I know

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