WundrousPotato - 18

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As the last Winter sun of the year was dawning over the quiet-for-now city of Nevermoor, one would assume it was just a regular old day in the beautiful capital. One would be forgiven for thinking as much due to the lack of activity in the streets, not yet bustling with workers and adventurers.

But if one was to keep walking through the town, one would come across a most magnificent building. It was thirteen stories tall, and fairly wide, with beautiful arched windows of smooth glass reaching up the outer walls. At the front entrance, shining golden letters read "The Hotel Deucalion".

Upon first glance, the glorious hotel would appear just as still as the rest of the city, but if one was to walk around to Caddisfly Alley, they'd find a staff entrance, and inside the staff entrance one would find-


"Oh dear..."

"For the love of the Great Divine Thing, why can't you just follow simple instructions?"

"Me?! You're seriously blaming this on me????"

"Well, who else would I blame this on? There's no one else here with me except you!"

"My dear friend, you are being unreasonable."

"Oh, I'm sorry, maybe you should have considered the consequences of trying to pick up a crATE FULL OF PLATES BEFORE I-"

"What in the world is going on in here?"

The two disputants whizzed around to face the door, one cowering and one glowering. Standing in the door was a man with the most gingerly ginger hair known to mankind. He was dressed in a lemon yellow button-down shirt and bright pink stiped trousers which matched his pink polka-dotted waistcoat in a most miraculous way.

"JOVE!" The arguers cried.

"Frank here tried to carry the crate of-"

"Our lovely Chanda was so kindly telling me-"

"Alright! One at a time, or not at all, please, you two," Jupiter said. Upon some brief pondering, he added, "Actually, forget it. I don't want to know; we've so much to do and so little time. Are Charlie and Martha back yet?"

"I wouldn't know," Chanda said stiffly, "I've been too focussed on the mess this tiny vampire has left the floor in."

Frank gasped, clutching his hands over his heart. "Tiny vampire??! Oh, now I've had it! Off with you, you elderly Disney princess! Why don't you go ask some birds to help with your crates seeing as you're too precious to pick them up yourself!"

"Why, I never-"

"Alright you two." Jupiter spoke sternly as he stepped in between them. "How about I send Kedgeree down to help you, Frank, and Chanda you can come with me to check on the others."

Chanda and Frank glared at each other for a moment before both nodding in agreement.

Bidding Frank goodbye, Jupiter led Chanda up the stairs, down a different path and into the grand lobby of the Deucalion. They walked in a mostly comfortable silence, only slightly tinged from the argument mere minutes ago.

As they came across a set of double doors, elegantly embraided with sparkling gold leaves that floated across the glossy black painted wood.

"Right, let's see what disaster these children have come up with while I've been gone." And though he sighed as he said it, Chanda could see the grin he was barely trying to hide.

"You know, they're hardly children now, Jove."

Jupiter looked at her, suddenly thoughtful.

"I mean, it's Morrigan's eighteenth, and she's the youngest of her Unit – and then Jack's three years older than them all. They're young adults, Jupiter. All of them now." Chanda brought a hand to lay on Jupiter's shoulder as the ginger-haired man looked down at his shoes with a sad smile.

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