Afton_Micheal - 25

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Morrigan Crow woke up in her bed, which had turned into a big, round, thick pillow, with many canopy sheets around. Her room looked as if a cotton candy sheep had exploded it's pink blood everywhere. "Thanks for the bright start of my morning." She thanked her, home, in which she had lived in for 13 years already. Time passed so quickly, yet she felt like it's not that much of a problem.

Wundrous arts were hard to learn, and from those 11 years of learning, that wasn't deniable. Her teacher, Ezra Squall, wasn't actually as bad. He did have some anger issues, but it was nothing very new or unexpected. From years of being around him at least 30 minutes a day, she felt like he's actually getting much better. Had he taken her advice on getting a therapist for himself, seriously? Or did he consider Jupiter his trustworthy emotional support human? Either way, good for them.

Morrigan never really enjoyed big parties dedicated to her birthday, which was common knowledge to everyone she knew more closely than just a passer by on a street. Living in her dear home, Deucalion, with the best party planner in Nevermoor, was not helping her preference. To be honest, she was kind of used to it. Every time, it reminded her that they care about her. In her first 11 years of life, that was not really a feeling she ever got. Maybe in a distant memory. Just few years ago, at her 20th birthday, she got overwhelmed by the amount of people who wished her many good things at the same time. Her previous day hadn't been the easiest, all the work and presumably small requests and tasks Wundrous Society had given her, were draining her energy a lot. Jack was the first to notice her getting sad, just before she started crying from joy, he hugged her, leaving others quite confused. Just moments after, they realised that she was breaking down, many of them joining in a big group hug. Morrigan felt embarrassed, but safe at the same time. These people were like a family to her, they were her friends. She felt glad to have them my her side. "I wonder what Frank has planned for this day.." She thought, getting ready for the day. 

Hawthorne was waiting for her in the hallway. He looked very glad to be there, most likely aware of some plans going on. "Good morning Birthday girl? How are your feeling, knowing that you're half way there to be 50 years old?" "You could just say 25. How long did it take you to calculate that?" "I'm not stupid, Morrigan, I can do math." He said, his face turning pink from his want to laugh, as if he was about to say something more. "I can see very well that you wanted to say something more. What was it..?" Mog said, hoping that it won't be anything too stupid. "I can do math just like I can women." "So you can't do math?" "Yes I can!" "Come on now.. No math, no women. You said it yourself." "Auch! How could you? Am I not your best friend?" He theatrically sobbed. "Calm down. You're fine. You'll find someone someday." Morrigan told him patting his back awkwardly. The next moment, he hugged Mog, squeezing her. "Happy Birthday!" After that, they went to the main lobby. There, on a comfortable looking sofa, sat Jupiter and Dame Chanda. Jove was dramatically leaning his head back. Jack appeared out of nowhere, going up to Morrigan and Hawthorne. "Don't worry about him, he's just comprehending the fact that he's more than ten years older than when he got you here." The young witness also noted that his uncle was definitely just playing an act. As the amazing daughter that Morrigan tried to be, she went up to Jupiter. He quickly looked at her, got up and smiled widely: "Moggers! Finally, you're here! I wish you a very amazing Birthday! I'm sorry, again, but a certain somebody has made a big deal out of this again." "Ehh, it's fine. I'm used to it. Thanks." Morrigan smiled.

Later that day, finally, everyone was busy with their own day, which, for some of them, was enjoying the usual amount of Frank's party planning, which was flawless, as always! Morrigan had a meeting with her teacher today. Of course, that stubborn bustard insisted that her birthday was no exception for not studying. While walking towards the rooftop, somebody sneaked behind her. "Morrigan! Are you trying to escape your own party? How about I escape with you, then." Hawthorne jumped in front of her, now walking backwards. "Be careful. Don't run into stuff. No, I'm not trying to escape. I have a meeting with someone." "Noo! I thought today will be an exce exception! It has lasted for like 11 years already! Can't you get your Wundrous arts learning finished?" "It takes many lifetimes, Hawthorne.: Morrigan exhaled. Her friend calmly started walking next to her, groaning, as if he was bored. They hopped onto an elevator, which took them to the rooftop. There he was, the mighty Wundersmith, Ezra Squall. Noticing him, Hawthorne hid behind Morrigan. He had never fully gotten used to the wundersmith, still pretty terrified of him. Squall begun talking, a small grin on his face, as if he was actually happy about seeing his apprentice. "So, you actually showed up. When we last talked, you were so insisting on not having this meeting today. I see your friend, Hawthorne, right, is here too? You've tried to sneak him in here, or more like he has tried to hide around here, during your lessons." He chuckled, looking at the young man hiding behind Morrigan. Truly, Squall wasn't sure of why Hawthorne even hides anymore. That guy was so fast and tall, that he could most likely escape anything, even a wundersmiths trap, if that wundersmith wasn't trying much.

"Happy Birthday, Morrigan Crow." Ezra Squall said, calmly making eye contact, first with Morrigan, then Hawthorne, who was starting intensely at the Wundersmith. "I thought about your last time rambles about this whole Birthday thing. I haven't celebrated mine in ages, but who am I to control your life and the parties you go to! I am not your parental figure now, am I?" He chuckled.

"Well, Happy Birthday to you too, Ezra Squall." Morrigan said. It wasn't that much knowledge that all wundersmiths were born on the same day. Squall looked at her, his eyes widening, as if he was a bit surprised. Only now, Hawthorne understood that Ezra Squall is actually born on the same day as Morrigan. He had realised that before, but never spent much energy on that though. "Thank you, Morrigan." He said. Knowing each other, even as a teacher and a student, they made some kind of closer bond. Of course, Squall was still very secretive, not telling much about himself, even when asked. Whenever Morrigan wanted to ramble about something, he would listen, but if it went on for too long, he would politely try to get her to stop talking. The first year was very different, since Morrigan was afraid to talk much, but by now, it was better, much, much better. Respecting her teacher, she still used his last name to adress him, but quite some time ago, she had decided that him using her name, was not so awful. "Well, one more year has passed since our last Birthday. How nice. As a gift to you, since apparently those mean a lot to people who are happy a lot of the time, I say that today you don't have to spend more time around me. Now, go and have fun." Morrigan's face lit up with joy. "How about you come downstairs and check out the party?" "You know very well that it would give me absolutely nothing.. Now, scram. Go eat some cake or whatever." Squall ordered, dissappearing into the Gossamer line. "Yes! Let's go!" Hawthorne yelled.

Not long after, Mog and Hawthorne were at the party once again. In the corner of the room, stood Ezra Squall, observing other people, not very interested. He had taken some tea with him, through the Gossamer. Now, even if parties weren't his way of relaxing, he tried to enjoy this. Jupiter noticed him. Of course, as the father figure of Morrigan, he had known about how Squall taught Morrigan the Wundrous arts. At first, he was very taken back, mad at the Wundersmith for making such a deal, but now, it was almost completely fine with him. Slowly, without anyone really noticing, he approached the other, not saying anything. He just stood next fo Ezra, both of them not saying anything, just drinking whatever drink they had taken.


Very sorry, I got too unpatient and posted it already on my oneshots book, but that's okay. My books aren't that popular with the votes and all.

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