(So, that goodbye book was a bit Anti climatic if I do say so myself
Well I'm back, well not for all of them I'm prioritizing this one
Why am I back?
I got Bored
And also I want a book my children to read when they're a bit older like in their early teenage years, also this is an original book I'm making
Oh, and if I start hearing bullshit like "Liar" or "He's gonna do the exact same thing again in the future."
I have one message for you
Respectfully shove a Telephone pole up your ass after lubing it, Go fuck yourself
Anyways I'll post the trailer later
The Enemy
ActionThe year was 2014 The United States of America and its allies declare war against Saudi Arabia and the UAE after learning about their official involvement connected to 9/11, cutting off oil to the world, and conducting a Terrorist attack on US Soil...