Ch. 2: Mutated and Scared

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Hours after he had been strangled, dropped and eaten alive.

He suddenly felt his consciousness coming back.

And soon, he opened his eyes, it was dark as it had turned nighttime.

He grunted and tried to wipe his face with his left arm.

As he tried, he felt as if his left arm was not there, he got up and noticed that his left arm had turned small, swinging from side to side as he had lost control of it.

He was in disbelief, he tried to move it again, but to no avail. Then, he looked at his right arm, and saw that it has grown large and bulky. It took him a few seconds to move it as it was heavy, getting up on his feet.

Then, he looked down at his legs, seeing that his left had grown a bit, ripping apart his jeans. He looked at his right, seeing that it was fine, with his shoe still intact.

Then, he tried to walk, nearly stumbling over because of his right arm. But he manages to balance his weight, thanks to his left leg.

He looked around, as he noticed all the infected, walking around the city he was about search hours ago. He was about to speak, but felt his throat preventing him from making a sound.

As he walked around a little, he noticed a light inside one of the buildings. Knowing that he had turned into a Charger, he made his way inside the building, being very hard as his head was nearly bumped into the ceiling.

He stopped right outside of the lit room, listening in to the loud shouting inside. It sounded like there were people arguing in there. As he was about to hide, he suddenly made a sound he didn't expect to make, it sounded like a cow with a soar throat.

Then, he heard the people inside the room getting up, and to his horror, reloading their weapons.

He panicked, looking everywhere for a place to hide. He notices a bunch of boxes in the corner outside of the room.

He immediately goes and hides himself under the pile, making groans and grunts. The people inside then kicks the door down from inside, aiming their flashlights to look out for any infected.

One of them then aimed at the pile of boxes he was hiding under, feeling very scared and panicked, he stood still a statue. Luckily, they didn't notice him and began discussing about something.

"I'm sure as hell i heard a Charger earlier.." Said one of the voices, it sounded deep and rough, as if the person was a biker.

"Well, it couldn't have made it far, since, you know, that big arm holding them down." Said another voice, sounding very feminine.

"That doesn't mean it can't hide, it could be anywhere, right behind a corner, or inside a room, or hiding under a pile of stuff." Said another, it sounded like if the person speaking was very old.

He nearly moved, scared that they had found him, but just acting as if they didn't.

"Well, no time to waste, our supply is running low, we need to move quickly." Said another voice, as if it belonged to a black person.

As they walked away, he finally calmed down, but then, he made another noise again, now alerting the people.

"OVER THERE! UNDER THOSE PILE OF BOXES!" Said the biker voice.

In a panic, he got up from the pile and charged towards them, nearly hitting one of them but missed.

He couldn't stopped, and charged right out of the window.


He immediately got up and ran into a secluded alleyway.

"WHERE DID IT GO!?" Said the feminine voice.

"IT'S LITERALLY DARK AS HELL, HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO FIND EM?" Said the black person in anger.

He felt as if his heart was about to jump out, his head was aching after falling out of the window, as his ears ring loudly.

"DON'T FOCUS ON IT, LET'S GO, THE HORDE HEARD OUR SHOTS!" Said the old voice loudly, as the four people ran, with the groans and screams of the common infected, running after them.

He panted, already tired from the charge he did. He then sat down, shaking his head to get rid of the ringing.

A few minutes passed, until he finally calmed down. He got up again, going through the alleyway.

Until he began to hear someone crying just around the corner.

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