Ch. 8: Morning

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Hours and hours had passed, and Smoker was the first to wake up.

He was a little annoyed by the birds singing in the early morning, launching his tongue at the trees to get rid of them.

As the birds flew away, Boomer woke up.

"Is it morning already..?" asked Boomer tiredly.

"Yes, now get up, we have a plan to do." Said Smoker impatiently.

"Good thing it's only 6 am, we have some time to chill before they wake up." 

"Oh.. okay.. does that mean more sleep for us..?" Boomer asked again.

"No, it's only for an hour, and since you're a heavy sleeper, you might not wake up until about 4 hours later" Smoker said to him.

"Aw.." Boomer pouted.

"You wake Hunter up, i'll get the other two." Smoker instructed.

"Okay.." Boomer said tiredly.

"Alright, now, where did those two go? They were right by us yesterday." wondered Smoker.

Smoker wondered off to find Charger and Witch, while Boomer tries and wake up Hunter.

"Hunter, wake up." said Boomer, shaking the hooded man, who was sleeping like a cat.

"Mmh.. 5 more minutes.." Hunter pouted, burying his face in his hands.

"5 minutes would be like 5 hours for you, come on." Boomer said, shaking him more.

"Mmh.. fine, fine.. i'm up.." said Hunter tiredly, opening his heavy eyes.

"Where's Smoker..? And Witch..? And the big guy..?" Hunter thought, looking around them.

"You mean Charger." Boomer corrected.

"I know, i know his name is Charger, i just like calling him that." Hunter said, looking at Boomer, a little annoyed by his correction.

"Smoker went off to find the two, i think they woke up earlier than us." Boomer wondered.

"Well, Witch almost never sleep, so, maybe they went off to find a quiet place." Hunter added.

"Hm.. you may be right.." agreed Boomer.

Soon, Smoker, along with Charger and Witch, came back.

"Now where have you two been?" asked Hunter.

"They were sleeping inside a tent." Smoker replied.

"Oh, why a tent?" Hunter asked again.

"You know that Witch doesn't like the cold, right?" Boomer looked at Hunter.

"Wait, she doesn't like the cold?" Hunter realized.

"That's why i wanted you to listen to me when we first met her.." Smoker said, shaking his head.

"Oh, come on, i was young back then." Hunter replied in annoyance.

"And you still don't listen to me now.." Smoker said again.

"Shut up." Hunter replied.

"Anyways, found these two sleeping next to each other, and Witch, was literally, snoring on top of him." Smoker said, pointing at the two behind him.

"That was the first time.. i had a good sleep.." Witch said softly, wiping her tired eyes.

"And, his hand was on top of her, like he was protecting her." Smoker added.

"Oooooo, is big man protective over the little lady?" Hunter said sarcastically.

Terge huffed in anger.

"It's alright, Charger, he just does that every time someone is protective of someone else." Boomer calmed him down.

Then, Hunter leaped onto Terge's back.

"So, do you have a little crush on her, big guy?" Hunter asked.

Terge grunted and grabbed him, throwing him away, making him face plant into the ground.

"Ow.. come on, that was just a joke.." Hunter groaned, getting back up.

"In full honesty, you two being together wouldn't be a bad idea." Smoker said.

"W- what..? Me..? and him..? Together..?" Witch stuttered, now blushing very hard.

Terge huffed in anger again.

"Chill out, big guy, just sayin." Smoker said, while backing away.

"C- Charge..? Do you think that would happen..? Like, actually happen..?" Witch asked him, stuttering in embarrassment.

He looked at her, and shrugged.

"Maybe it will happen, we just don't know when." Boomer said.

"Ooooh, maybe it'll happen now?" Hunter wondered.

Terge huffed in anger again.

"Okay okay, i'll stop." Hunter said in a bit of fear, backing away.

Smoker looked at the sky.

"Alright, i think it's time, let's go to the tunnel." Smoker said, going to the tunnel.

"Wait, why?" Boomer asked.

"Because the survivors are in there, i think they're getting ready to get out of there." Smoker replied.

"Ooh, alright, let's go." said Boomer, following Smoker.

"Come on, big guy, we have a plan to execute." Hunter said, patting his large right arm.

Terge huffed, following them.

"D- do you think it will work..?" Witch asked, staying near him.

He shrugged.

"I have a bad feeling about this.." Witch said, feeling uneasy.

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