Chapter 1

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Sunlight pierced his eyes. The pink-colored dragonet was lying down in his home cave. The willow ferns provided almost nothing against the sunlight, but the sunlight was a natural light—all of the plants, the animals, the dragons all needed it.

"Ryoto! Come!" The dragonet's mother cried from outside the cave. Tatsuo beckoned to her son as he scrambled out from the cave, his eyes blurry with sleep. She was sitting on the cool stone surface. The lake in front of her was glimmering in front of her. Small phoenixes glided across the surface, their movement a streak of red against the pale purple sky.

Ryoto didn't understand why his mother was out in the morning so early. His mother was a lilac dragon, her light-purple scales flashing. But she still seemed as radiant as ever. In the eyes of a 9-months old dragonet, she was the best mother anyone could ever have. His father, Oto-san — what Ryoto called him, which means 'papa'—was a general in the city, Ecilar. But after the murder of General Gethynth and the great Lord Falkor, no one could ever be trusted. Oto-san always kept them safe from Ecilar's enemies, and every day, after he came back from doing his work, he would wrap his talons around Tatsuo and Ryoto, hugging them tightly.

"Did Oto-san already go to work?" Ryoto asked, snuggling deep into Okaa-san's arms. Hugging Ryoto tightly, Tatsuo whispered, "yes he did, my dārin. He will be back in the afternoon."

Ryoto sighed, wanting to feel Oto-san's talons around him. "Okaa-san, I miss Oto-san." He mumbled, fumbling for his breakfast, which was on the rock in front of them. Juicy dragonberry jam was resting on top of a slice of wheat bread, and Ryoto bit into the sweetness.

As the flavor danced on Ryoto's tongue, Tatsuo sighed and looked at the violet sky. "Ryoto, Oto-san is busy these days. As the new assistant of the new Lord of Ecilar, he is very busy and he has started a new... project. Many dragons don't agree with him. I don't agree with him either." She stared off into the distance, watching the phoenixes glide across the water.

"What project?" Ryoto asked, cramming the whole sandwich into his mouth. Seeing the sadness in Tatsuo's eyes made him more curious than ever. "Why do you look so sad, Okaa-san?" He hugged Tatsuo, squeezing her.

"He's... persecuting dragons." Tatsuo whispered, her eyes watering. "He is targeting a specific type of dragon. They are just like us; they are just normal dragons with a different appearance. They can all mate, have dragonets, live, and die. They are no different from us."

"Why?" Ryoto pressed. He looked around, plucked a dragonberry from its bush, and offered it to Tatsuo. Tatsuo just shook her head no, and sank into the rock bench, her shoulders drooping.

"Sometimes we must fall forward to keep moving. Remain motionless—remain unyielding—and you are as good as dead. Death follows indecision, like a twisted shadow. Fall forward. Keep moving. Even if you must pick yourself up first." Tatsuo whispered, quoting. She stared up at the sky once more, and took a deep breath. "He hates them."


"He is a brave dragon, but it will take a long time for him and the new lord to change their minds." Tatsuo whispered. "But now, Ryoto, let's go on a walk to clear our minds." She stood up from her spot gracefully like the wind. "As swift as the wind, as silent as the forest, as fierce as the fire, as unshakable as the mountain." She floated towards the park, Ryoto at her side.

"Okaa-san..." Ryoto whispered. He suddenly whistled into the air, startling a group of phoenixes. "You know I always know what's happening." He glanced at Tatsuo, and then looked up at the sky again.

A loud screech sounded from the sky, and then a brilliant red and orange phoenix landed on Ryoto's back. He couldn't stop but laugh at Tatsuo's bewilderment. "Okaa-san, meet Kota. Kota, meet Tatsuo, my okaa-san."

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