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In the land of Ecilar, a million light years away from Earth, the sky is purple. Under the bright violet sky lives dragons. Long and sleek, in colors of the rainbow, but seldom there are special dragons. Lunar dragons.

"Those Lunar Dragons are a nuisance," the Great Lightseer, the Right-Talon of the High-Claw, commented. He waved his tail around him. The starry purple sky flashed, shining their warm light on the white snow on the rocky mountains. The snow glinted, becoming light purple and pink. Around a small fire, four dragons stood, sheltered from the snow by a strong roof held up by four beams. The walls were covered with straw to prevent snow from falling in, but one side had big windows to the outside.

"What do you mean?" A dark-blue dragon asked, clicking his tongue. His voice was deep and scarred, just like the outside of the dragon. The dragon had scars running down his back, because he had been in many battles. "The Lunar Dragons are just normal dragons, except with mind-reading abilities. Let them be! You're not thinking of a mass slaughter, aren't you?"

The Lightseer squinted at the dark-blue dragon. "General Gethynth, every other dragon doesn't have abilities. Those Lunar dragons are making them jealous, which is a big issue to solve."

General Gethynth sighed as he eyed the other two dragons. "Lord Falkor, High-Claw of Ecilar, Whose Power is Strong Enough to Cross The Whole of Ecilar with Just Ten Wingbeats, what do you think, my lord?"

Lord Falkor stared with stern purple eyes at The Lightseer. "Have you forgotten," he whispered, his pale purple eyes stormy and dark. "...That I am a Lunar Dragon myself?" His thick and gruff voice echoed through the stall. His tail whipped from side to side. "Lunar Dragons are special."

The pale-pink dragon finally spoke. "The Lunar Dragons should be perished. Most of the crimes so far have been committed by the Lunar Dragons. They are evil and filled with greed." He lowered himself onto a fluffy cushion, made of cotton, a fluffy type of plant. He sighed.

"General Tatsuya, I do not think that is a good decision." General Gethynth blurted, tapping his water vessel nervously. "The Lunar Dragons are also dragons!"

"They are stupid and reckless," General Tatsuya hissed at General Gethynth. "They are filled with greed. They are evil. They need to be wiped out."

The Great Lightseer sighed, and General Gethynth glared at General Tatsuya with a glare like daggers, sharp and pointy. General Tatsuya returned his gaze with a severe look, flaring out his light-pink wings. There was an awkward silence.

"We are not killers. We are not-'' General Gethynth started to rant, but the Great Lightseer shut him off.

"They are stupid. Bundles of rotten meat and bone."

Lord Falkor let out a huge roar, and all of the generals jumped. The immediately stopped arguing, and bowed their heads towards the raging High-Claw.

"I, Lord Falkor of Ecilar, High-Claw of this planet, is a Lunar Dragon too! The Lunar Dragons are my species; and you want to wipe them out?" He flared his lilac wings, the royal marks on the flaps.

"We mean, the naughty ones. Those guilty ones." General Tatsuya persuaded. "The ones that have committed crimes."

"They still can learn from their mistakes!" General Gethynth protested. "Dragons are intelligent creatures!"

"We are... indeed." Lord Falkor admitted. He slithered to the stone table in front of them. "However, those who committed crimes will never commit them again. They must die." He picked up a long tail-feather from a Long-tailed Tit, placing the tip of the feather on the sugarcane sheet.

"Wait, my Lord!" General Gethynth cried. "Please reconsider this problem. Our economic status is running low, and dragons have already considered leaving Ecilar. Please! This plan will just hurt them!"

Lord Falkor paused, a splotch of black ink starting to form on the paper. He grit his teeth, and took the pen off the paper.

"No! The plan is perfect!" General Tatsuya gasped, trying to form words. The Great Lightseer shook his head violently. "My Lord, please sign it. This is the best plan we ever had. This plan will change Ecilar into a better place."

"But there will be a lot of blood," Lord Falkor whispered, his light-purple talons shivering, the gold and silver claw-covers covering his claws. "And screaming. And dying. There will be so much pain, and too much crying."

"But then you'll be the only Lunar Dragon left, and you should feel proud! You will have power! The other dragons will look up to you in respect; they will honor you, build a statue of you, and even give you a free massage!"

"Power... I already have power, what are you talking about, General Tatsuya? This plan is nothing." Lord Falkor snarled, his eyes suddenly widening. "You want to kill the Lunar Dragons! You hate them! You're just trying to convince me-"

"Close your mouth, Falkor," General Tatsuya sneered, slamming into Lord Falkor, smashing his head against the wall. The crack of bone sounded. Lord Falkor gasped, clutching at his throat, where General Tatsuya was squeezing.

"My Lord!" General Gethynth tried to lunge forward, but the Great Lightseer held him back, holding a bronze katana, stabbing the golden blade right through General Gethynth's exposed chest. General Gethynth slumped to the ground like a ragdoll, his eyes rolling up into his head.

"You-you traitors!" Lord Falkor gasped. "You-! This was supposed to be a normal law meeting!"

Sneering, the Great Lightseer yanked his bronze katana out from General Gethynth's corpse. He kicked the blue dragon's body hard, and stormed over to the wall where General Tatsuya was holding Lord Falkor. He held the katana firmly, even though it was leaving a crimson patch of red on the icy snow.

"We will announce the plan tomorrow in the city square," General Tatsuya hissed, his breath enveloping Lord Falkor's face. "You don't have to worry about us."

"What-?" Lord Falkor wheezed, glad General Tatsuya had loosened his grip for a while. Suddenly General Tatsuya let go of him, and he slumped to the ground, dazed.

"Take your pen," the Great Lightseer hissed. Fumbling, Lord Falkor grabbed his pen clumsily and stood dazed. "Write!" The Great Lightseer snapped, thrusting the paper in Lord Falkor's face. "If you don't..." He brandished the bronze-red katana in front of Lord Falkor's eyes.

Lord Falkor wrote blindly, his thoughts crazy. What were his generals doing? Was he dreaming? He felt tears streaming down his face as he finished the letter of the announcement.

"Any last words?" General Tatsuya sneered, pressing Lord Falkor to the ground, grabbing his chin.

Panic flared through Lord Falkor like lightning striking a dark sky. He began to flail, trying desperately to get General Tatsuya off his body, but the Great Lightseer smashed into him, pressing his wings down into the Earth. He was trapped.

"I said, any last words?" General Tatsuya repeated, a ghostly look appearing on her face. "I would love to feel power flowing through my veins."

Do not die like a coward; die like a warrior. Lord Falkor's father's words flashing through Lord Falkor's mind. I am not afraid. I will die nobally, and to wake up to find the world in peace, rid of all of its traitors and corpses.

"In your dreams, you idiots."

General Tatusya hissed, and slit Lord Falkor's throat. Then everything went dark.          

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