The one with the forest

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"The trees strated to rustle and move. Their branches started to shift and twist. I gave out a sigh and thought to my self 'Oh boy here we go again.' I gathered a bunch of food and water and went towards the nearest town to warn the people to leave or suffer a fate worse then death. I was never believed and was called crazy. I have lived in that forest for centuries, I know the signs by now. They ignored me and called me crazy, so I left them to their own devices. I can only hope that the spirits dont 'introduce' them to a life of servitude towards the forest. I pray that I won't see them again. I hope the one with the forest don't come. If it does then we are all truly doomed, you see the one with the forest is a being who wields unimaginable power, similar to God, however unlike that phony of a god he listens to his worshippers and allow their prayers to be answered in their own little ways. For example; if someone prays to live a long happy life they will live a VERY LONG life . I was one of the people who have prayed for a long happy life within the forest. In there I'm safe. You see the one with the forest requires some immense energy to live so they would occasionally leave the forest like I have and hunt in towns. I like to think that the one with the forest is protecting me. The people who they hunt are always the ones that harms me and the forest. The reason why I tried to warm that town was because I dont like seeing death so I tried to warn them. But they refused to listen. But I guess it's a small mercy that they  don't kill in front of me. I would have stayed in the forest, but like I said, I don't like seeing death and when they rustle that means that the forest is releasing all of the bad blood and flesh it has drunken some time ago. So the forest floor is littered with blood and lose body parts. I'm sorry but I can't say no more. It's time for me to go home now."

The person who was just here turned around to leave when they turned around and said one final thing to me "I'll pray to the one with the forest for you to stay safe. What will happen to you I have no idea I hope it's nothing bad. Your a nice person thanks for listening to my story. Come by and visit soon. If you'd like to visit please think about moving in. It's incredibly lonely there with just me." Then they finally vanished. I rubbed my eyes thinking if I was imagining things untill I felt wind blow on the back of my neck and the wind whispering and trees rustling. I shuddered because all the windows in the bar were closed and we live in a city. I can only hope that I didn't piss any being off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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