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I was talking to my friends and I heard branches snapping and shifting. "You heard that?" Jane asked. We all shushed her quickly and quietly. Drake looked at us with fear lit in his eyes. "G-Guys we should leave. Like now." The wind stoped blowing and the birds stopped tweeting. The forest was still and quiet now. Jane pointed a shaky finger behind us and Drake got even more pale. We looked in the direction she was pointing and saw nothing there. We looked at Jane confused, "I SWEAR there was something there staring at me." The trees started to shake and rustle again. Drake was inhumanly pale now "It'S tO lAtE yOu ShOuLd HaVe LiStEnEd To YoUr FrIeNd." A hoarse voice came from directly behind Drake and I. Jane and I screamed as we realized someone has sliced Drake's neck. The blood has splashed on me and soaked through my clothes and into my skin. Jane looked terrified and was shaking as we stood up to run. Both me and Jane  ran as hard as we could and as fast as we could. Our hearts were pounding and our chest were heaving with effort trying to get oxygen back into our lungs. I heard panting right behind me. I opened my eyes to see Jane truning around and saw the sight of her going pale. "H-Hey Alex not to freak you out but Drake is right behind you" I quickly trained around saw no one "HE WAS RIGHT THERE I SWEAR!!" I paled even more, "Hey Jane we escaped the killer right?" She looked at me all confused "Yes why?" I gestures to look behind her and she screamed. I grabbed her hand and we ran back the way we came. We passed Drake's body and found a cave. We quickly went inside and I saw a grinning Jane and Drake "W-What? Drake I thought you died?" A chuckle came from the front of the caves mouth "GoOd JoB mY bElOvEd StUdEnTs. AnOtHeR vIcTiM wAs FoUnD."

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