Big Argument 😨😨

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Chanel turned around, too tired to get up when suddenly she was met by two eyes. What the fuck.. had he been fucking staring at her all along.. while she was sleeping too?! that was chanel's last straw. First the dream, Now this? nah..

"What the fuck.. why are you just staring at me??" She asked, not calmly. "Oh sorry you look cute when you're sleeping!" Peeta clapped back. Cute? that sounds rather creepy.. if it wasn't for the dream Chanel would've let it go by now but no..

"Well consider yourself ugly then.🥰" She said as she got out of bed and tore her cutesy Peeta x hunger games pajamas off. Now that left Peeta shocked and quite angry..

"What was the reason for that😑😒" He asked and got up as well.. why the fuck was she acting crazy?? fat bitch.

"Yeah what was the reason? why were you acting like a fat bitch in my dream?🤔" Chanel clapped back, once again, not facing Peetas confused looks.

"I cant control myself in YOUR dream. That's your brain not fucking me. and for the record you can be quite a skeeze at times so it was probably your own fault😘💞🔥" um what the fuck now.. whys he acting so cool.. literally this was my friends house i can kick him out anytime i want. hell have to live at mcdonald's since no one wants his sorry as in their houses.

"you're so funny!!! you might wanna go be this funny elsewhere you homeless shrek looking ed sheeran mcdonald's happy meal ratatouille justin bieber baby baby wannabe. ain't no one wanting it here😒😒" now that was chanel's final straw. she did not regret one word of that😂😂

"alright maybe i will!! then you and your emo kid wannabe can stay father and boyfriendless 🤣🤣🤣" he said as he stormed out of the room, grabbed his jacket and stormed out the front door.

well, that's one way to ruin a relationship she thought. whatever he wasn't worth it anyway..

time passed, and chanel had put on a new pajamas and put on the office. Her and Miaura was binging some icecream and mcdonald's ( since they literally live two fucking blocks away ) and was rooting for jim and pam to just fucking get together.

suddenly.. there was an unexpected knock on the door...

who the fuck dare to call me when i'm so busy... 😞

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