Happy Family. 🌽❤️

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Laura, Miamaia and Miaura Winchester are a happy little family. They love watching Supermatural and Teen wolf. They have a lovely huge house, two dogs, one psycho cat and a frog in the back yard! until one day...

"Y'all let's go to mcdonald's, feeling kinda hungry today.." says the emoly Miamaia. She's always hungry for some mcdonalds, but Laura never wants to go. That's why she became super lame and emo!😳

"No. I'm not in the mood for mcdonald's.. Not today." Laura responds, in a rude, angry way. She always gets this way, when Miamaia asks for mcdonald's..

Maybe she just doesn't want to get fat?

"I'll go with you mommy!" says happily, young, Miaura. She just does whatever one of her moms tell her to. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Miaura has no idea how she's got two moms. She's 10 and knows how kids are made, but never questioned it incase Laura would get angry at her..

As Miamaia and Miaura gets ready to leave.. something shockingly happens..

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