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warning: this story contains details of domestic vïolence and emotional trauma, please look after yourself and do not read if any of this may affect you <3


edmund's pov

Roughly two nights had passed before I managed to catch her again.

I don't entirely know what possessed me to stay awake each night, wandering the castle incase I bumped into her stealing our alcohol supplies, but it had quickly become part of my nightly ritual.

This time though, I was going to confront her. After all, what kind of guest takes goods from their host without permission?

I was fast approaching the usual clink of glass bottles until a new sound joined the cacophony. Sniffling.

My feet halted their movement so quickly that I was shocked by the lack of screech, it must've been too late however as her breath hitched in her throat, we had both been caught.



"I am sorry for taking the wine, I was ju-"

Her decently confident demeanour shattered the moment her eyes fell upon mine, hers being red and swollen in comparison to my own tired squint.

"I won't say anything." Why did I open with that? How pathetic: If anything, I had a duty as King to report this to my siblings immediately. She was stealing from us.

I analysed the girls frame closely. She was so far hunched over that it was impossible for her to not be in pain, staring at herself in the mirror, sobbing uncontrollably. Not to mention the multiple bottles of wine surrounding her ankles.

Something about her state pulled me in closer, my feet subconsciously stepping towards her exhausted body. It was then that I noticed the blood on her calloused hands. She must've dropped a bottle somewhere. Peter always said I had a keen eye for small details.

"I'm sorry, King Edmund, please forgive me, my behaviour is entirely disgracef-"

"What happened?" Some may label my interruption rude (Susan) but I could simply not contain my medley of curiosity and concern any further.

"Actually, it doesn't matter, let me see your hands."

Caroline seemed almost worried when I approached her fully, yet despite her hesitation, she eventually placed her rough hands in my own and allowed me to lead her to the table.

Luckily, due to Lucy and her incredible talent for minor injuries, we have small kits full of medical supplies scattered around the entirety of Cair Paravel, meaning it took approximately 2 minutes to locate some disinfectant and gauze. Things like this are not worth using irreplaceable healing cordial for.

Time seemed to slow as my hands navigated the curves of Caroline's own, bandage slowly bulking around her palms whilst my eyes never drew away from the blue of hers. The reds and purples that sat around her sockets were like a watercolour piece of art, enhancing the cerulean centre.

She didn't speak much in that moment, and she didn't have to. The hurt that had previously erupted from her mouth in the form of sobs, now pooled in her eyes, telling me all that I needed to know.

"I won't tell anyone." I reassured, meaning it this time.

"Thank you."

My attempt to slowly exit the room and fulfil my duty of secrecy was quickly stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

"Please, just kill him." Were the last words that I were to hear that evening, and yet they were the ones to haunt me for weeks to come.

I now knew that Alexander was definitely not who he said he was, with supporting evidence to back it. Yet I could not now revoke my promise of confidentiality.

I did not know what Alexander had done, but I knew one thing.

He was trouble.


"Please, Susan, you have to believe me."

"Edmund, stop it. You have no proof whatsoever that Alexander is up to anything! there is nothing we can do."


"Stop it! We are soon to be allies of Archenland and we can't risk anything ruining that, it's for Narnia."

"Right- for Narnia..."


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