𝙻𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎

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(A/n: Thanks for clicking on my story! Well, Y/n stands for your name, and N/n stands for your nickname.)

A gym... well, a basement gym. She is in a basement gym rapidly kicking at a well-worn sandbag that had duct tape on the side of it. The sandbag receives one precise kick from the side and it swings forwards, then backwards, which the crimson-haired girl dodges. The rustic basement creaks briefly which meant someone was coming down the stairs.

"Who is it?" Y/n groans and sits down.

"Anne." A voice announces. However, Y/n doesn't look happy."Anne doesn't announce herself as 'Anne'. I know it's you, Sasha."

"Aww, well, you know we should get her a gift."



"...I said no."

"We need to treat her for her birthday, N/n."

"You aren't doing this for her... and don't call me N/n."

"Jeez, friends are supposed to be nicer to each other."

"NO- NO- THAT'S THE THING! WE AREN'T FRIENDS!" Y/n yells and kicks the sandbag a lot harder. "KODY WAS MY FRIEND. DYLAN WAS MY FRIEND. ANNE IS MY FRIEND!"

"There you go with that temper. . ."

"Urgh... I'll go with you TO ANNE'S PARTY, that's it." She sighs.


"WHAT?!" Y/n stops walking in front of a store window. She didn't even try to keep her voice down.

"Shhh... none of us can pay for the box, so we decided Anne should steal it while you distract the cashier."

"What about me? What if I get caught in this and I get kicked from the boxing team?"

"Y/n. Get the box." Sasha says with a stern tone. Y/n looks to Marcy and Anne for help but the two don't say anything. "Okay. Anne," Y/n mumbles. Anne went into the store first with Y/n following.

The redhead begrudgingly pulls out her phone and looks through Amazon for something the store definitely wouldn't have. After a few minutes she finds something and she walks to the cashier hesitantly.

"Hello... do you guys have this in stock?" Y/n asks, pointing her phone at the cashier.

"Oh, hey, N/n." The cashier replies. Y/n got even more nervous since the cashier knew her. "Hmm..."

The cashier checked on a computer for a couple minutes "Nope." He says. Anne walked out soon after. "Okay... thanks anyway." Y/n mumbles as she walks outside the store. The four walk down the sidewalk pretty silently.

"Hey. Let's open it down here." Sasha asserts. Y/n sighs, walking into a parking lot. Everyone follows and Anne leans down to open the box... however, it floods everyone with a bright light.


. .

. . .

(A/n: Pretty okay prologue in my opinion, I'd like to hear what you guys think about this. Don't worry I'm not abandoning Impossible.)

(hey wait before you go check out varsity jacket by spadesayshi pretty please it's really good)

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