𝓑𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓼?

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Y/n barely got any sleep. She tossed and turned constantly, and had to turn on some quiet music from her phone to fall asleep.


"Guys, guys!" Anne exclaimed, waking Y/n up. The latter didn't look happy, and when she checked how she looked with her phone she was... not much happier.

"What? What the fuck is it?"

"N/n! I had this crazy dream. We were trapped in this world of frog people-" Anne started, but stopped when she saw Y/n still looking at her unamused.

"Is- is that?"

"Yes, Anne, that was yesterday."

Anne hugged her legs after Y/n answered her.

"Hey, you two sleep good?" Asked Sprig.

"Careful, boy! It could be hungry." Hop Pop warned. Y/n stuck her tongue out rebelliously, although she felt the same homesickness as Anne.

"Hungry for your guts!" Polly chimed in, much to Y/n's annoyance.

Y/n thought for a bit and then responded. "We don't eat frogs, but if we did it would be Anne who eats them."

"Relax. It was one time we ate frog legs. I wouldn't eat anything that doesn't bathe." Anne said, clearly talking about Hop Pop who coincidentally had flies buzzing around him.

"Fair point." He ate a fly that was circling him.

"See? Told you they were harmless." Sprig turned to Hop Pop

"Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here." Polly held a rolling pin that was definitely bigger than her.

"I think the little one wants to kill me." Anne deduced.

"I would too, you got us stuck in a different fucking world." Anne tried to refute her friend's claim but couldn't. "Huh, you two must be so excited to be trapped in another world. Very jealous. Oh!" Sprig fell back after leaning back a bit.

Anne chuckled, making Y/n smile a bit. "It's not all that. I miss my home and my stuff and especially... my friends. Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?" Sprig was passed a photo of Anne and Y/n with Marcy and Sasha, titled BFFS

"Oh, no, I don't understand, am I not your friend? Did I not stick with you through thick and thin? Did I not help you steal a magic box?? Did I NOT press one of your bullies into leaving you alone in elementary school?" Y/n went off.

Anne looked annoyed by her friend. "Dude, why are you taking this personally? Sasha and Marcy are our friends."

"That OUR word, huh! Sure, I liked writing and homebrew with Marcy, I even liked skipping class with Sasha, but Sasha is a gaslighting snake and Marcy is a spineless nobody! They're both the reason we're here." Y/n got up, pacing back and forth between sentences. "But you, you're spineless and mean, the best of both worlds!"

"Look who's talking, N/n! You have issues."


"Guys, guys!" Sprig got in between the two. "I can just be both of your friends."

"You?" The two looked over at him and asked.



"Come on. It'll be fun! What did you do together?" Sprig asked. Y/n began reminiscing while Anne started naming irresponsible and dumb teenager things.


"Y/n!" Anne exclaimed, breaking Y/n from her trance.

"Huh? Yeah, great, very."

(absoLUTELY cancelled 😼) Middle Child \\ Amphibia Reader Insert!Where stories live. Discover now