𝘏𝘶𝘮-𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵?

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"ANNE! WHERE THE HECK ARE WE?" Y/n hollered, cautiously getting up.

"N/n. Shhh..."


"Shortie, you have to trust me here."

The redhead did not in fact trust Anne and continued with their one-sided screaming match."YOU AND YOUR SHITTY FRIENDS ARE THE REASON WE'RE HERE!"

"..Wow." Anne flatly replied. Y/n's feelings were complicated. "We can talk about it later, I think we should find civilization."

Y/n looked around and her eyes landed on a small town. Y/n focused on a blue frog that was isolated and pretty close to the forest. "Maybe he can help us?" She got closer and asked "Hey. Do you know where we are-?"

"MONSTER!" The blue frog screeched, turning away and running.

"Gee, great idea, Y/n," Anne said sarcastically. "It worked perfectly!"

Y/n paced back and forth while deep in thought. She progressively got angrier and angrier until she kicked a tree with surprising force. "Ugh, I'll get some sticks. Maybe we can build a dirt hut."


"Wait... Anne, I think I hear footsteps." Y/n whispered. Anne slightly peeked up and heard footsteps along with leaves cracking. Anne came back down and nodded.

"Seems like the beast roams these parts. Probably a good place for a tra-aaaAAHHHHH!" The red frog was caught in a trap, flying up and then down again, but he's hanging upside down.

"Score! We caught dinner!"


"Frogs are high in protein, and people eat frogs in a lot of places." Y/n explained. The two got up with the red-haired one stretching; Anne looked... a lot worse off with her stick.

"Giant head! Spindly limbs! Face bump! THE BEEEEAAST!" Sprig gasped.

Y/n smiled and laughed. Anne put her stick down. "I have bad news for you two, I taste terrible!" Sprig exclaimed.

"Ew, I am not going to eat you." Anne said.

"I might." Y/n nonchalantly added.

"Were you the one who tried to eat Wally?" The frog boy asked. Y/n shook her head in response.

"I think she was asking Wally for help... but she can be rough around the edges." Anne joked.

"Speak for yourself-" Y/n was cut off by a monster's screeching that even made trees fall."Aw shit..." She mumbled. Anne groaned and ran off.

"Don't you leave me with a monster!" Y/n yelled, quickly chasing and catching up to Anne. The monster screeched another time. Sprig tried to set himself free but when the beast screeched another time he started screaming. Anne looked back and tried to return, but Y/n beat her. She cuts him free and runs with him.

"There." She muttered, leading the three to a log to hide from the monster which was revealed to be a giant mantis. "You... you saved me! You're not a beast at all! You're a hero! An ugly, ugly, ugly hero." Sprig congratulated(?) Y/n.


"Call my friend ugly again and maybe we will eat you." Anne joked, getting Y/n to smile a bit.

"Ha. You aren't gonna eat me. You got a name, strangers?" Asked Sprig.

"My name's Anne. Anne Boonchuy. The hotheaded one is Y/n L/n."

"I'm not hotheaded! I just have a short fuse." Y/n defended herself.

(absoLUTELY cancelled 😼) Middle Child \\ Amphibia Reader Insert!Where stories live. Discover now