𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴

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One frog and two humans sat in the backyard. Anne and Sprig were playing makeshift baseball with bugs and Anne's tennis racket. Y/n meditated on a mat with her legs crossed. She had her eyes closed and was listening to quiet music. A faint glow emanated as a result of her tranquility.

After Sprig throwing a little badly and Anne doing her best to knock the bug away it came flying towards Y/n... and she grabs it!

"Mm..!" Y/n grumbles, furrowing her eyebrows and squeezing the bug, thinking it's a ball. The bug easily pops, getting goop all over the girl's hand.

"What the f-" she mutters, quickly taking out her headphones and opening her eyes.

"ANNE! SPRIG! Why is my HAND covered in Nick™️ slime??" Y/n asks with a disgusted look.

"Hahaha..." Anne rubbed her neck, avoiding the question. A concertina broke the silence, and the three turned to see who was playing. "A frog child and a monster from the woods getting along? So unnatural." Wally then played a weird note.

Anne almost laughed. "Of course we get along, we're Sprig and Anne."

"Anne and Sprig!" Sprig added.

"Spranne against the world!" They both chant, posing with each other.

"Disgusting." Wally said, playing his concertina and walking off.

"You sure this friend won't betray you and put you in, I dunno, a dragon world?" Y/n asked, much to Anne's chagrin.

"For the last time, Sasha and Mar-Mar had NO idea this would happen!"

"Sasha's a backstabbing piece of dirt who deserves EVERYTHING that's happened to her." Y/n argued, venom lacing her words.

"Wow." Anne said flatly. Suddenly, a screech came from inside their house. "Was that Hop Pop?"

"Sounds like he's in trouble. We're coming, Hop Pop!" Sprig tossed his hands up and the two dash to the front door. then Y/n follows. The three blitz through the living room and the basement which had flooded.

"MY STUFF!" Y/n screeched, down on her knees.

"Don't worry y'all, I saved your stuff. Except your bed, blankets, pillows, pencils, t-shirts, and hairbrush." He placed two bags on the stairs, watching the items he mentioned float away.

"Hah. Sucks to be you, Anna Banana." Y/n gloated, reaching for her bag.

"Also, a device with red and blue sticks. Hope that wasn't important." He finished.

"MY LIFE IS RUINEDDDDD!" Y/n put her head in her hands.

"How long 'til it's fixed?" Anne asked, ignoring her friend's tantrum and picking up their bags.

"Well, gotta find the leak, then patch it up good."

"Oh, let me help!" Sprig hopped into the water but was stopped by Hop Pop.

"Oh, no, ya don't! This here's river water. No tellin' what creepy critters are swimmin' around."

"Y/n, get up. Where are we gonna sleep?" Anne asked. Y/n reluctantly stood up and mourned the loss of her game device.

"Well, the living room ain't no palace, but the couch is comfy."

"Uh, hello? Anne can bunk with me." Sprig croaked.

"I guess I'll take the couch, bon ami.." Y/n sighed, trudging up the stairs. Sprig stuck out his tongue and pulled Y/n back.

"Hold up, you're coming too." Sprig reassured his friend which brought a smile to her face.

(absoLUTELY cancelled 😼) Middle Child \\ Amphibia Reader Insert!Where stories live. Discover now