Domino effect

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(What. A. Hiatus. My birthday's coming up, so expect... little to nothing lolz. Also... maybe a miraculous-themed next adventure is in order. No promises.)

Anne, Sprig, and Y/n are outside of the Plantar residence. The former two were playing a game of baseball but with a watermelon.

"Hey, batter batter batter batter." Anne taunts Sprig, holding a scythe like a baseball bat. Sprig grunts before slugging the ball at Anne and slipping. She misses, and flings the scythe on accident.

"Ah, whiffed it." Anne gasps, "Sprig!"

"Huh?" Sprig gets on his feet before gasping, too. He ducks, and the scythe flies into the forest, and Sprig's hat tears in half. "Wanna go again?" Sprig asks, filled with excitement.

"Yeah-uh!" Anne cheers. "Wait, you have hair??"

Anne looks in the woods for her scythe. "Hey, sorry about your hat. Oh, there it is."

Y/n pulls it out of the tree, commenting "You almost cut my head off with this."

Sprig laughs, "Hey, you found–"

Y/n proceeds to put one finger on her lips, and Sprig stops talking. "Do you hear something?"

Y/n, Sprig, and Anne quiet down and they all hear meowing close by. They all gasp at the sight of... mutant wasps that were bullying a cat.

"Oh, my gosh! We have to save her." Anne exclaims, running ahead. Y/n shrugs before following her. Anne pulls the cat out of the puddle, but the 3 wasps close in on her. "Did you even think of a plan?" Y/n asks, already knowing the answer, while chopping the large insects away.

"Take that, buzz brains! Go sting someone your own size!" Sprig jokes, slinging rocks at the bugs with his slingshot.

Both Anne and Y/n run back into the woods, with Anne telling Sprig, "Let's go!"

"Sprig out! Peace!"

Anne pants, as the duo make it back to safety.

"You're safe now, little fella." Anne says, holding up the cat they rescued and looking at it.

Anne cooes, making Y/n cover her ears.

"What's wrong? Are you stung? We'll have to amputate." Sprig grabs Anne's scythe and starts to swing it.

"Uh," Y/n grabs the top of the blade and stops it. "No, she's just being weird as usual."

"Don't you see, Y/n, this caterpillar looks exactly like my cat Domino from back home." Anne corrects, showing the two a picture of her cat from the human realm. The two were pretty much a splitting image, besides the fact that Domino 2 was more scruffy and had six legs.

The caterpillar in Anne's hands meows and purrs as she shows them side by side. "I love my cat more than anything in the world... besides, uh, friendship." Anne starts, receiving a nasty look from Y/n.

"She was irreplaceable, but now I found a replacement. Let's take her home with us."

"Eh, I don't know, Anne." Sprig says skeptically, still holding onto the scythe. "That's a wild animal. I'm not sure bringing it home is a good idea."

"I mean, what if it's actually really dangerous like everything else in Amphibia?" Y/n asks.

"That's crazy talk. My cat back home was a stray before I adopted her. All it takes is love and patience and... love." Anne explains. Y/n nods along, listening to her friend's plea.

"That's the second time you've said love." Y/n points out. Anne pushes the caterpillar at her face, and it licks her cheek. "Well, I'm convinced."

"It's settled. I hereby dub thee, "Domino 2," come on girl, let's go home."

(absoLUTELY cancelled 😼) Middle Child \\ Amphibia Reader Insert!Where stories live. Discover now