I'm not quite sure I like it.

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BANG! The cowboy shot, not missing his opponent in the slightest, he had killed four different guys already. It wasn't like the criminals were rookies, just the cowboy being overly powerful since he's the main character. A bit boring Akito thought, a pout becoming a lot visible as he was shuffling through channels that were available for him to watch. He had long given up on finding any music program on the TV a few minutes ago since his phone died, in need of charging. So any calls from Rui would be sent to voicemail and he had to face the consequences if he ever dies.

Maybe he should turn his phone back on, although the incessant miss calls from Ena would be annoying it could help him keep his friends from dying, lest they need saving.

"Fine, I'll turn my phone back on just in case. I don't want Ena on my ass because I couldn't be bothered to pick up, at least that's what she would accuse me of."

It didn't take long until his phone lit up again. A barrage of messages from Ena and plenty of miss calls from Rui really means that he was fucked. Not like he would call them but he had to make sure he won't get scolded for it.

"Akito-kun! I was wondering if you were ever gonna pick up before someone checked in on you and they found you dead."

What the hell? That wasn't what he wanted to be greeted by the first thing he called his roommate.

"Oi, I'll have you know my phone was dead and I didn't need you guys bothering me while I'm trying to relax." the person on the other line only chuckled, before a grating voice spoke up.

"Finally you piece of shit!" if this wasn't the norm Akito would have hung up in seconds, but he stayed and listened to his sister ranting about how awful he was for not joining her in taking pictures of Okinawa. And he couldn't believe that he was bombarded because he didn't join them to the city, okay whatever he'll just hang up now

"Okay, that's nice Ena you can tell me when you come back and visit my room. I'm hanging up now, bye," peace and quiet filled the room once again, the TV serves as a white noise. Putting his phone back on the nightstand beside his bed, Akito then sat up to pull the duvet from its confinement, completely covering his whole body. Putting his head back on the pillow, only then the boy noticed that he was tired. Very tired. Should he wait for Rui's arrival instead of going to sleep earlier? It was easily answered with small snores coming from Akito, his mind too tired to keep up with everything. Rui can take care of himself, Akito's sure of it.

To start, Akito got woken up by a loud noise coming from the bathroom. Stupidly the first thing on his mind was the fact that someone had broken into his shared hotel room, not the fact that Rui got back from his trip from the city. The ginger looked at the clock on the wall, it showed that it was 11:29 PM. Did he accidentally let his body relax too much to fall asleep without checking if he had locked the door and all?

Well, it's not like someone could get in without a card, and if someone had used force on the door the whole floor could hear it and check whatever had happened to him.

Maybe Loving You is a Sin (And for You, I'd gladly be a Sinner).Where stories live. Discover now