Gambling our luck, wondering if it was ever on our side

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"Where the hell have you been, Akito?" Ena demanded when the boy walked into the restaurant they were currently eating. Akito ignored her, choosing to sit down beside Rui without putting up a fight on how he doesn't want to sit besides either Rui, Mizuki, or Ena. Which completely took all of them off guard because this Akito was also blushing.

"None of your business, can I order some food now?"

Ena just nodded and gave him the menu without saying anything. Akito was grateful for that, he didn't need his friends and sister to ask what had happened with him, he didn't want to explain anything that could compromise Tsukasa and his family's life or his for that matter.

The lunch dragged on as everyone still conversed in the restaurant and all Akito wanted to do was sleep the day away in his hotel room. Which would definitely raise some heads because usually Akito would like to go to the city to find some inspiration on music and do some karaoke with his friends whenever he was on vacation to another prefecture.

"Come on, we can't miss out on this music festival in the city!" Mizuki pulled his right arm with force as Akito was still glued to his seat. "Don't be such a party pooper, come on! Ena's excited for this, can't you be too at least?"

Fine if that's what they want, he could go to distract himself from the knowledge that mer exists. Maybe he should just forget about it for the rest of the week. Harder said than done because his mind would always wander back to the long haired mer with those– right he should just focus on getting Mizuki to stop trying to pull his arm off of himself.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Just let go of my arm, you're gonna pull them off at this point." Mizuki finally let go of Akito's arms and they both set off to the heart of the city where there was apparently a music festival.

An hour into the festival, Akito was starting to get pumped up from the boisterous energy from the performances, he looked at An who was singing with Kohane at her side having fun. The ginger envisioned a life like that with Tsukasa, though he had human legs for well, legs.

Seriously, what is up with him? Ever since he met Tsukasa his world had turned 180 degrees just like that. It amazes Akito that some creature he found while walking near the sea could mess with his life so easily without really doing anything but be pretty.

Okay, this was starting to creep him out and he doesn't wanna spend the next few hours jamming to music with a shitty mood because of his little crush.

"It's not a crush," he cursed at himself mentally hitting himself. "I need him out of my system and mind..."

The sunset bled through the looming tall buildings in the city, signaling the end of the music festival. The group made their way towards a cute restaurant and ate a full hearty dinner, it was finally, finally time to go back to the hotel. Akito can finally feel himself relaxing, the mer out of his mind and him going back to his room to sleep on his awaiting bed with sweet dreams.

Is what he had in mind before the group went completely insane because they wanted to swim in the sea at night, with supervision of course (that was what Ena said, he doubted that they had supervision).

"It's completely fucking dangerous! The waves pick up at night. Are you guys actually serious about swimming at this hour?!" Nene voiced his concern, thank the lords above he didn't have to be the voice of reason all of the time.

"Not to mention the injuries it could cause, or worse." Haruka, the ex member of ASRUN and current member of MMJ piped up. He may have gone into detail on the fact that Haruka is an idol, but he really likes MMJ and their songs so who can really blame him for being such a fangirl?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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