A Long Day in Pentos - Aegon "Targaryen" POV

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I had been awoken by servants, put on my best clothes that I have been gifted by my dear friend, the magister Illyrio, and styled my long, silver hair. It was sunny, as always. Is there ever a cloudy day in Pentos? I long for Westeros, however. The throne that should be mine. I have received news of my aunt long ago. The fool. Or was she not? She had dragons.. well, one. Two were killed. But he was on his way to becoming the new Black Dread. I was told a lot of the Black Dread by Lord Connington. I was always interested in dragons. My birthright. If maybe.. I wasn't so swift in trying to secure the Stormlands back then. If I just waited. We could've dominated the world together as husband and wife. As a sight to see, a dragon riding couple flaming their enemies. Alas, what could've been. I was forced to retreat from the Stormlands, because Illyrio's armies took too long. I hope that for my next conquest he'll arrive on time.

I was interrupted by a knock. "Come in!" I shouted.
"Your Grace." bowed Lord Connington.
"Griff, you don't have to bow before me. It's nice to see you, however. You returned from the mission Illyrio sent you on?"
"Yes, just a few hours ago, Your Grace. In the dead of night. I had waited for you to wake up, to be blessed with your noble presence."
"Cut it, Griff. Did you want to discuss anything?"
"Yes, actually. About your father. The dragon prince, Rhaegar. And your throne."
"I'm all ears."

"A great council was hosted by the false queen Cersei. She's heavily pregnant, as you know. They had elected a Lannister heir." He sighed with disappointment, looking at me as if I could have done something to stop it.
"It doesn't matter, Griff. False queen, false heir. It's simple as that. The Iron throne is mine, by all laws of men. Only if I had the support of some great houses..."
"That is where the good part comes in. The Dornishmen have showed us considerable support and recognize you as trueborn. During the council, Lord Robin Arryn had expressed support for your candidacy to the Iron Throne." Griff rarely smiled. But now, for a glimpse of a second, a tiny smile appeared on his face. He had hope, after so many years. He had miraculously recovered from greyscale, but was disfigured by it. His cheeks were like stones, yet he was still strangely graceful. He had kept a shorter beard than before now, and honestly, it suited him more.
"I understand the Dornishmen, Griff. But Lord Arryn? By the Gods, what kind of support does his house have for me? Was it not Jon Arryn who refused my grandfather's demands? Why is his son all for my candidacy?" I simply couldn't understand. The Arryns.. potential allies? No. It seemed impossible, really. He's probably just playing games, or has an ulterior motive, like everyone in this gods forsaken world.
"I do not know. It's possible that he suspects it wasn't Petyr Baelish, but indeed False Queen Cersei who had poisoned Jon Arryn. Sansa Stark's words were originally trusted, but things have changed."
"What good has it done her, if it was her? None. Her bastard children are dead, she was publicly shamed and humiliated. She has nothing anymore." I laughed, yet Griff's stare silenced me almost immediately.
"You're wrong, Your Grace. She has your throne, she's pregnant and she's at peace. I think she has everything, and we have nothing. We are exiles, supported by a foreign power and only one great house. We need alliances, pacts and vows."
"Or we need dragons."

"Pardon? Which dragon? Even if the gods were kind, which they never are, where would you find Drogon? He could be anywhere. Beyond the wall, Asshai, Ibben, Sothoryos, Ulthos, the Thousand Islands, the Dothraki Sea.. you name it! By the Seven Hells, he might have returned to Valyria, just like your beloved Black Dread has with Aerea hundreds of years ago! Or do you intend to find a dragon egg? Where? Elissa Farman's were sold to Daenerys by Illyrio, and the other Targaryen eggs were destroyed at Summerhall. Or do you intend to go to the Shadowlands, Stygai, and search for a dragon egg? Travel to Old Valyria? Don't be a fool! Armies win wars. Dragons don't. Daenerys had a dragon. She failed. You should wisen up, for your sake."

I had always listened to my friend's counsel, yet I was set on this. I shall ride a dragon and burn my enemies. I shall show them what Fire and Blood means. The False Queen will die, I will seat the Iron Throne and a thousand year Targaryen dynasty will return. The Usurper has caused chaos. No more. Justice shall return once again.

"Madness and greatness are two sides of a same coin. They say when a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip the coin and the world holds its' breath to see how it'll land." I heard a man saying. I didn't mind him much, I just returned from sword training and I was getting ready to read.
"Yes, that's how it's said." Said a familiar voice. Illyrio?
"How has the coin landed for our young princeling here?"
"No one knows, yet. But he's a skilled fighter, a scholar and-"
"But would he be a good king? Aemond Targaryen was those two. Yet he killed his nephew and burned the Riverlands. You better rethink your support, Magister. Do you want to see people die and land burn for another mad Targaryen's war?" The man had interrupted the magister and continued. "The Queen sends her regards."

I put down my book and rushed to Illyrio.
"Who in the name of the Seven was that man?! Mad Targaryen's war? I'll show him! The Queen? He's Cersei's man! You should capture him for information, Magister. I assure you, I may be young, inexperienced and a tad bit wroth, that's what people say, but I'm not mad! That man is a traitor, however. Order him seized in the name of the rightful king." I shouted so loud, that guards came piling up. I may have cursed in High Valyrian as well, I admit. I was angry. He was a traitor. And traitors pay with their lives.
"Your Highness, the man has fleed. There is no need for such outbursts. You're tired and should go to your chambers, before you do something you'll regret. It's been a hard day, I'm sure, so you need rest. I'll order Lord Connington to retreat you to your chambers."
"... Very well. I apologize, Magister."

Griff wrapped his hand around my shoulder as he led me to my chambers. He was humming something, but I didn't listen. I really was tired. It's dark. As I was getting ready for bed, Griff spoke.

"I cared for your father once."
"I know, you were best friends. You helped him, and I'm eternally grateful for that. Your loyalty will be rewarded when we return and I'm seated on the Iron Throne." I had assured him once again.
"You're just like him. In looks as well in spirit. Reign well, Aegon."

That's when Griff had hugged me. I had him hug me before, sure, as a child, but this was different. He held me and I was shocked. What's that for?
"Why did you do that?"
"For eternal friendship." Was the simple answer.
"For eternal friendship, Griff." I had waved him goodnight.

I went to sleep, dreaming of dragons, riding one with someone at my side riding a second one. At first I saw Daenerys. Then I saw Griff. Then I saw.. the Gods know who. Maybe.. I'll know the answer in the future.

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