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Third person POV

Throughout the years Reggie's life and her brothers' life have become really bad. They have got hurt for things that they weren't responsible for.

As the Riddle triplets, Tom, Mattheo and Reggie have promised each other since day one, that no matter what will happen, they won't hurt each other. They won't become like their father. That changed the day that Tom started fighting for power. Mattheo has become slightly like Tom but not that much. Reggie is still able to discuss with Mattheo but Tom? That's definitely not what she can do with Tom.

With Tom, she is always arguing and always getting punished afterwards by their father. She always hears the same explanation from Voldemort. You must respect your older brother if you don't want me to kill you. You are weak, Anabelle. You're weak and you don't try to change that. You will get us all killed the day that you will become a Death Eater.

That day is close. In all her 11 years that she is in this world, she hasn't heard any good excuses. Her father knows that she is better than Tom but he doesn't want to admit it. But let's see how life is going for our triplets.

Mattheo Lopez Riddle POV

I was in my room searching for my wand when I heard my siblings arguing again.

"Oh fuck no. Yn. Acio wand".

My wand flew on my hand and I ran to Tom's room. As I entered, I saw our father there. He was already punishing Reggie. I can see in Tom's eyes the guilt and the fear.

"Tom, what happened?" I enter Tom's mind. He shakes his head.

"It was my fault. I didn't mean to get her hurt".

"Then tell it to him".

"He will kill me".

"She has got enough hurt, Tom".

"F-Father?" it's the first time that I have heard Tom stutter. Our father stops the spell and looks at Tom. His eyes are daring Tom to say anything wrong. "I-I was responsible this time".

Before he has the chance to say anything more the Crucio spell hit him. He falls to his knees and starts screaming in pain like Reggie was screaming seconds ago. When our father stops the spell, Tom falls down as I see tears in his eyes. Our father turns around and sees me. I immediately take a step back as he walks out of the room. I run immediately inside but before I have the chance to heal even one of them I hear my father's voice.


That was enough to make me pull my wand back into my pocket. I stare at them unable to do anything to help them. Reggie had passed out while Tom was laying at the floor crying. I run near to Reggie and kneel down. I place her head on my legs.

"Reggie? Reggie. C'mon. Open your Reg" I see Tom slightly sitting up and touching his back at the wall behind him.

"Theo?" he is scared but I don't know if he is scared that he will get hurt or of what happened to Reggie.

"That's all your fault" I whisper as I look back down to Reggie. "That's all your fault" I repeat. 

"I'm sorry".

"I can't believe you, Tom. Sorry" I noticed a movement in Reggie's eyelashes. "Reg?" when she opens her eyes, she looks at me, then she looks around the whole room and then back to me.

"Where's father?".

"Upstairs. C'mon. Sit up" I help her to sit up but she groans as she does so.


I look scared as I heard it. I look at Reggie and she nods at me. I help her to stand up and she walks upstairs as fast as she could. I turn and look at Tom. I walk near him and sit on my knees in front of him.

"I didn't want to hurt her".

"I know".

"It was all my fault".

"STAND STILL" we both look at the door confused. What is going on upstairs? "THOMAS MARVOLO RIDDLE AND MATTHEO LOPEZ RIDDLE, UPSTAIRS. NOW".

Tom and I stand up and rush upstairs. As we arrived upstairs, we saw Reggie crying while Belatrix held her to her hug. Death Eaters come at each side of me and Tom and catch us by our arms. Our father walks near me.

"No. Please. Don't do it to them. Please" we hear Reggie begging with tears streaming down her cheeks.


Belatrix holds her closer. Our father grabs my right arm and lifts up my sleeve. He points his wand at my arm and I immediately understand what is going on. The mark. We are getting the mark.

He starts saying something under his breath and I see the mark starting to form. It hurts a lot. I try to pull away but he grabs me harder. When he is finally done, he pulls away from me and the Death Eaters leave me. I look at Reggie and Belatrix and run to them. Belatrix holds me closer to her too.

"Father, please" we all hear Reggie saying.

"If I hear your voice one more time, I'm going to kill you. Do you understand me?" his voice is dangerously low.

"Yes, father" Reggie says as she lowers hed stare.

I keep my stare at them as he does to Tom the same thing that did to me. When he finally pulls away from Tom, I see Tom being shaken. He was scared. That's not normal for Tom. That's everything but normal.

"Now get your shits ready. Tomorrow you're leaving for Hogwarts" he says as he exits the room with the Death Eaters.

Tom, Reggie and I look at each other and then to our arms. We didn't have a choice. We couldn't do anything. It happened.

"C'mon. Come with me, guys" Belatrix says.

We all walk downstairs and enter Reggie's room. We all sit at her bed while Belatrix comes in front of one and each of us and takes care of our arms.

"You have to keep your sleeves down. No matter how hot it is outside, you will have to cover your arms. Do you understand me?".

"Yes" me and my siblings answered.

"And try to enjoy Hogwarts while he doesn't give you any task to get done".

"Task?" Reggie asks confused.

"To kill and maybe create a Horcrux".

"But we don't want to. We are kids" Tom says.

"Try to stay calm, kids".

"Thank you, Belatrix" I say and she nods at me.

"Well get ready before he gets angry. Okay?". 

"Okay" we all say.


She exits the room and we all look at each other. We make something like a circle and show our arms. All three of us have the mark. We are done. My arm hurts me and I'm sure that their arms hurt too.

"We better get ready" Reggie says as she pulls her sleeve down and goes over he wardrobe. Tom and I look at each other and then at her.

"We are going to be okay, Reg" Tom says.

"Okay?" she turns around. "We are going to be everything but okay. Can't you understand it? Now he has complete control over us. He will make us kill and make Horcruxes. Don't you want that?" we both shake our heads. "Then get your shits together and get our bags ready. We are leaving for Hogwarts".

"Reg, it's okay. Really. We will find a solution" I say but she doesn't say anything back. "We will be to our rooms if you need us".

She remains silent. Tom and I exit her room and go to our rooms. I enter mine and start packing. We don't deserve that. We should have normal lives. Not shitty ones.

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