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Reggie Anabelle Lupin POV

I am in the living room watching some TV and just then I hear the front door opening. I see the boys walking inside and they look at me confused.

"Reg?" my dad says.

"Hey" I say.

"Why are you awake?" he asks me.

"I'm not that tired yet".

"Is everything okay?".



"The boys?" James asks.

"They are upstairs, sleeping".

"That's normal".

"Yeah" they stare at me. "Why are you staring at me?" they look at my dad and nod.

"Goodnight" James, Sirius and Regulus say as they walk upstairs.

"What happened to them?" I ask and my dad comes and sits next to me.

"Can we talk?" he asks me.

"Sure but aren't you tired? It's kind of late".

"Yeah. No. I'm okay. For now" I look confused.

"What do you mean 'for now'?".

"Can we talk about Hogwarts?".

"What about Hogwarts?".

"About your fourth year there".

"What about it?".

"Are you sure that you want to go?" I sigh and groan in annoyance as I sit back normally. "I want you to come back. I promise" I look at him. "I want you to come but ... You know. It's ... It's the fear of what will happen".


"No. Don't say that. Everything could happen" I stare at him. "And I don't want something to happen to you. I'm probably overreacting but ... I don't want to lose you, Reggie. I found you after 14 years and to lose you now ... " I sit closer to him and touch his hands. He takes my hands into his and looks back to me. "I don't want to lose you".

"You won't lose me".

"You don't know that. Voldemort is crazy. You can't be sure for anything that has to do with him".

"Maybe but don't forget that he can't enter Hogwarts".

"I'm just scared. I don't want something to happen to you".

"I promise you that I'll be really careful" he sighs. "And after all, you will be my professor so you will keep an eye on me. Right?".

"That's the only sure".

"Voldemort won't come near me".

"What about his sons?".

"His sons and I are going to have a quite nice conversation".

"Are you sure about that?".

"They won't hurt me. At least I hope they won't. They know not to mess with me".

"How's that?".

"Forget bout it. They won't go against me".

"When they learn that you are not their sister and you're my daughter?".

"They won't fight me. I'm better than them, dad".

"I can't be sure with them around".

"Well. You can't do anything more than trust me on this. Okay? I know them really well. Nothing will happen. I promise".

"If you say so".

"And after all you have the Marauder Map for a reason. Check out for me" he chuckles.

"I guess you're right but who told you about the map?".

"Prongs of course".

"Of course".

"Come on. Let's go to sleep".

"Okay" we both walk upstairs.

"Goodnight, dad".

"Goodnight, Reg" I enter my room and lie on my bed.

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