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Third year of Hogwarts

(I know that I went by fast but I'll stop for a long time at a significant part of the Hogwarts years which is near to where we are at the moment)

Reggie Anabelle Riddle POV

I rushed into the class and stand next to my brothers, Draco, Lorenzo and Theodore. Blaise and Pansy have different classes from us at the moment. We are in the same class with Potter, Granger and Weasley. How could they put us with them? They are not even that smart.

"The spell that defeats a Boggart can be tricky, because it involves making the creature into a figure of fun, so that fear can be dispelled in amusement. If the caster is able to laugh aloud at the Boggart, it will disappear at once. The incantation is ‘Riddikulus’, and the intention is to force the Boggart to assume a less-threatening and hopefully comical form.

The charm that repels a boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing. We will practice the charm without wands first. After me, please ... riddikulus!" professor Lupin says.

"Riddikulus" we all say.

Professor Lupin puts us in a line and one by one goes in front of the wardrobe and starts casting the spell. I mustn't go there. What will it show? I'm scared to go there. Students past and past and it's nearly my turn. I'm before my brothers but before me are Lorenzo and Theodore. Behind my brothers is Draco and then is Potter, Granger and lastly Weasley. Lorenzo steps in front. Boggart changes into a snake.


The Boggart changes into a clown and professor Lupin nods. Lorenzo goes behind and Theodore steps forward. Boggart changes into a woman. I hear students whispering and saying that it's Theodore's mother.

"Riddikulus" Theodore casts and the Boggart changes into a ball.

Professor Lupin nods and Theodore goes behind. It's my turn. I look at my brothers and they nod at me. I step forward and hold my wand tightly. The Boggart starts changing and I'm scared at what it will change. It changes into a Dementor but before I cast the spell professor Lupin comes in front of me and stops it. Boggart changes into the moon. I stare at it confused and then I look at professor Lupin. Something doesn't add up here.

"Riddikulus" professor Lupin casts.

Boggart changes into a white balloon and professor Lupin puts the Boggart back into the wardrobe. I stare at him as he turns around and looks at me.

"Let's continue" he says and I step away. Mattheo steps forward and the Boggart comes out of the wardrobe. It has the form of a Death Eater that no one knows.

"Riddikulus" the Death Eater disappears and books appear. Professor Lupin nods and Mattheo steps away. Tom steps forward. Boggart changes into another Death Eater.

"Riddikulus" the Death Eater disappears and multiple ripped pages of books appear. The hour is done so the class is dismissed before Draco, Potter, Granger and Weasley cast the spell.

"Riddle, wait for a few minutes" professor Lupin says and I nod at him.

"Meet you at the Great Hall" my brothers nod and walk away with the others. I look at professor Lupin and he looks back to me.

"Is there something that I should know, Riddle?" I shake my head. "Come meet me at my office when the classes are done. Okay?".


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