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I'm guessing you've read fairytales before.

When you were a kid you would read a story about a princess and a knight in shining armor.

The princess was always in distress, but the knight always came to the rescue!

The two would soon live happily ever after!

And, as much as I would love for that to be the case,

this story is so much more.

I now invite you to read, moon patterns! Written by yours truly. Enjoy.

𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ

Glass shattered on the floor, a scream was heard, and standing right there is someone quite unrecognizable. The store worker recognizes her though, even with her hood on. This wasn't the first appearance she had made.

The store worker groans in annoyance. With a glare and a quick phone call to the police, the worker seems almost uninterested. As though, they knew the said person breaking in.

"I swear, ya needa get a job or somethin'. Ya can't keep breakin' in my store! It ain't good for my business so git on out and go find somewhere to work!" The workers accent was quite strong as they spoke. The worker motioned for the girl in the black hoodie to leave, but she didn't.

"I truly am sorry ma'am! I woullllddd get a job! But I can't! It's harder than it seems! I swear to you though, that one day, I'll be able to repay you all of this!" With a slight wave of their hands to exaggerate, they showed an expression of humor. The thief had been acquiring things already. However, this thief wasn't like most. This one had no harm to bring upon others. This one was simply looking for survival.

"Well, seeya next week Ms. Georgia!!" The thief spoke friendly with a wave as they skipped off. Ms. Georgia— who had been the worker— mentally face palmed as she began picking up the mess. She didn't fully hate the common thief who came by, just wished that they would stop stealing so much of her stuff. Ms. Georgia understood their situation, but there was nothing much to do about it. A miracle would have to happen. But sometimes, miracles have their own ways of showing up.

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It had been almost forever since their last adventure. After saving ninjago— again— they had grown quite lazy. Something they refused to believe. So they sent out to find villains or enemies in Ninjago city at the police station. For the past hours, the ninja had little to no luck. Only small things like stealing candy from babies and paper cuts. It was quite disappointing for them all.

The group had been there almost all day, any kind of crime wasn't even actual crime occurring. No new news or anything, it was an odd thing.

"Statistically, the absence of a single crime or felony in a city this size is remarkable." The voice speaking was robot-like. The reason for that being because the owner of the voice was none other than Zane. The ice ninja, and he was correct with his statement.

"I wish I understood what you said but," the earth ninja spoke with an annoyed expression, "I don't!" Everyone in the room was ticked off. They had grown lazy and out of shape but it seemed there was nothing for them to do.

The fire ninja— who was standing up— was obviously just as annoyed as the rest. "How is it a city this size has no crime??" He looked towards the chief officer, who had been working on painting his modeled boat since they walked in. It seemed he wasn't getting anywhere. "And how is it that you're always working on that boat and never making any progress!"  The officer responded with a confused 'what' before a the fire ninja known as Kai sighed loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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