Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 25– Confrontation On The Horizon.


It was just another morning, working on this stupid fucking park. Why is it called a park? I have absolutely no idea. I mean, it doesn't have any rides or slides or anything. All it is is a big building surrounded by walls with a water entrance. Nothing theme or water about it. He just wanted a massive defensible compound that looked nice, but he wanted to call it a park.

Honestly, this thing is massive as well. Most of our time was spent cleaning the surrounding area and terraforming the land to make the foundation for exactly what he wanted. We had to cut a lot of the surrounding woodlands, though thankfully, we didn't go far enough to disturb George's rest. There was no sand there anymore. The little beach I made my home on no longer exists. All of the sand was dug and shovelled out to make way for the concrete foundation we had laid out.

And then, we had got to work on the surrounding walls of the compound, starting with the white concrete wall surrounding the compound, including the water entryway from the ocean, including a gate in the water preventing entrance with two watch towers on either side of it. And then, another section after that is made with a brick wall which opens to the ocean. And then inside the compound, with a large patio in front, is a big pagoda-like building, the rooms getting smaller as you go up, and there are five floors.

To the right of it, when facing Arlong Park from the ocean, there is a section of grasslands that was filled with water due to the terraforming of the land. Naturally, the Fishmen did not much care about this since they had no problem with the water, but my workers did, which is why I had a raised walkway made that goes to the main road and leads to the entrance of Arlong Park, which is in the east wall. Also, deciding to make use of the new watery lands for everybody, we turned them into paddy fields.

That was the end product, at least, but right now, we have gotten the base and foundation laid along with the walls being mostly done, and we have an excellent framework for it set in place. As much as I hate this place and the fact that I am making it, I am learning a lot as I go along from the other craftsmen, and we have worked tirelessly to get this done before Arlong gets pissed and someone ends up paying for it.

With me leading this project due to Arlong's favouritism or perhaps cursed attention, I had to pull my weight. Though at first, it was hard, ordering around and directing people older and more experienced than myself, that was mostly me finding it difficult. They all cowered before Arlong, and in their own words, I stood up to him, and so they don't mind following my orders. So after I got used to it, I had to order, delegate and direct a multitude of me in order to get this project done to a good standard and in a short amount of time.

Today, the sun was bright, and the seas were peaceful. One would ordinarily call this a good day, enjoying the heat and relaxing under the rays of the sun. But not us. We have been working tirelessly under the shine of this hot sun day after day, overworked and tired, yet forcing ourselves to carry on with hardly a break. We are here from the second the sun rises to the second it sets, working as much in the daylight hours.

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