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"Wake up Caterina there's an
emergency meeting in an hour." Carmella
said standing next to the bed shaking me.
She was only 17 but she really was a pain.
As soon as she said meeting I got up and
went to change, I always loved being able
to go to the meetings, it made me feel
special. I put my hair in a bun and put on a
red t-shirt crop top, black sweatpants, and
sneakers and headed to the meeting room.
The meetings were always held on the
third floor of the house in the biggest
room. I walked into the room and saw my
grandfather, father, uncle, and other
members in the gang gathered around the

"Caio Caio, " I said to everyone walking to
my seat. "Did I miss anything ?"

"Mi figlia (my daughter) this meeting isn't
for you only for the main group." Dad said
to me.

"If I'm going to be leader I need to be 1
here," I had said this with no signs of
laughter I meant it and I hated how he
tried to exclude me from things.

"ABBASTANZO! (Enough) You will not
be the next leader so go do your nails or
something and leave." Grandfather was
always against the idea of a female mafia
leader but it hurt the way he said it. I
looked him in his eyes and he was furious,
but so was I. I walked out the room
slamming the door and went to my
bedroom. I hated how he looked at me like
I was some delicate flower, I worked
really hard for a reason and he doesn't
even show me any respect. I'll show him whose a delicate flower.

I changed my sweatpants into shorts
and headed to the training room to
workout. I put in my headphones and put
on my boxing gloves and started punching
the punching bag. I imagined it was
Lorenzo Romano and just kept hitting it,
one day I'll have my revenge on him for
killing my mother and when I do I'll rain
hellfire on his whole family.

After a hour or so Arianna came in the
room to see me, I totally forgot we were
going to have breakfast together. Arianna
is my best and probably only friend
outside of the family, we met in high
school and she's also a daughter of another
Italian Mafia, The Lupo's, but our gangs
are allies so that's probably why it was so
easy to become friends and we just been
inseparable since.

"Dove sei stato? (Where have you been)"

She pointed to the time on her phone,
"I've called you like 20 times I thought
something bad happened."

"Mi dispiace (I'm sorry)" I gave her a hug
and explained to her what happened with
the meeting and why I haven't answered
my phone. She was annoyed also because
she knew how much taking over the gang
meant to me. I went to my room to shower
and change while she waited for me in the
living room. After I showered I put on a
blue dress with a jeans jacket and blue and
black sneakers. My hair is a light brown
and a wavy texture so I mostly leave it
out. We got in her car and she drove us
down the block to a bakery we like to go
to, my go to order was a croissant with hot
chocolate and hers was a blueberry muffin
with coffee. We sat in the bakery and just
talked about our mafias and she even told
me about the art classes she's been taking.
I don't go to college because I was just too
smart for it, in high school they always gave me the opportunity to skip it and go
to college but I wanted the high school
experience. However, it wasn't much
because everywhere I go I had guards and
parties were hard to go to with strict
supervision, and boys and dating were just
never a thing. I was always focused on
training also so I never cared to date. After
breakfast Arianna took me home because
she had to get to school. Once I got back
in father was there waiting for me.

"I'm sorry what grandfather said to you
back there he's just old fashioned," Dad
said to me looking sincere, "I do have a
mission for you though if you're

My eyebrow rose up and a smirk appeared
on my face, I looked at him and said,
"When's the mission."

He looked at me and said, "Tonight."

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