Joy and Pain

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It's been six months since I moved in with Luca and we were very happy. Luca had been running both of our mafias and I tried to be helpful but he only gave me easy work to do. Today was Carmella and Louis's wedding and I was beyond excited for them, my baby sister was getting married. I was out in the garden at The Medici's preparing to make sure everything was running according to plan.
Weddings have always been such a beautiful ceremony and it may have been the hormones but it made me sad. I wondered if Luca and I would ever get married, I never thought of marriage but it would be nice.

Later on I went home to get ready, I had a red dress on and gold flats. I headed back over to The Medici's to get Carmella ready.

"Sei Bella mia sorella (you look beautiful sister)," I said standing next to her in the mirror giving her a huge smile.

"I'm nervous," she said

"Don't be, Louis loves you and now you guy are starting a new chapter together. " I said kissing her hand

"I've been gaining the courage to ask you this because usually a dad is supposed to do this but sadly he won't be there, but would you walk me down the aisle." She asked anxiously. A tear managed to fall out of my eye, I couldn't believe she was asking me to do it.

"Si, " I said giving her a huge hug. My beautiful sister and I walked down stairs out to the garden. I held her hand and walked her down the aisle, it was truly an honor to give her to Louis, someone I knew who would do right by her side. The ceremony went on and the vows were incredibly beautiful. She was now Carmella Romano, oh how grandfather would've lost his mind. After the ceremony we danced and had such and amazing time. Luca and I headed back home afterwards.

"I can't believe my sister is a Romano now, my grandfather is probably screaming in his grave," I said laughing to Luca as I changed my clothes.

"She's not the only one," Luca said winking at me
"I'm not a Romano I'm a Medici," I replied

"But you basically are principessa and you carry two Romano's." He said rubbing my belly

"Yeah but legally I'm a Medici," I said.
He signed, "Can we not talk about this please mio amore," he said kissing me. I knew Luca didn't do relationships, the first time he called me his girlfriend I was surprised. He never called anyone his girlfriend but I was, I guess that should be good enough.

**** A week later ****

"LUCAAAA!!!" I screamed for Luca at the top of my lungs, I was in the kitchen getting water when I felt major pains. It was 2 am and that's when it happened, my water burst.

"Mi principessa it's two in the morning what's wrong?" He said looking frantic.

"My water burst isn't it obvious," I said annoyed. "Take me to a damn hospital now or I will shoot you. " It was definitely the hormones talking. Luca lifted me up and put me in the car and drove me to the hospital. I was in so much pain I wanted these devils out of me as soon as possible.

I grabbed the doctor by his shirt and pulled him in closer, "IF YOU DON'T TAKE THESE DEMONS OUT OF ME
RIGHT NOW I'LL KILL YOU!" The doctors gave me something to help me feel less pain. Luca was there holding my hand, "look at me principessa it's ok breathe." His voice was so calm and he started taking deep breaths and I followed him. The doctors were telling me to push and I did as hard as I could.

After an hour of pushing and screaming I gave birth to one healthy baby girl and boy. The doctors took the babies away before I got to held them so I couldn't see what they looked like yet.

"'You did it mi amore," Luca said kissing my forehead, "Riposa ora (rest now)". He said whispering too me. I gave him a smile and closed my eyes. I couldn't wait to wake up and meet my two babies.

**** Alarms Sounding****

I woke up and Carmella was sitting next to me crying.

"What's going on?" I said panicking.
Carmella looked at me, there was so such pain in her face.

"The.... the.... the babies.... there... gone."

She said stuttering. My heart stopped.

"What do you mean their gone? Carmella what the hell is going on." I demanded answers, I didn't want to believe they were gone.

"When the doctor handed the babies off to the nurse it wasn't a real nurse, we saw on the security cameras the nurse walking out of the hospital with them." Carmella said crying. I couldn't breathe, it was as if the oxygen in the room was gone. Who could take my babies, how could someone hurt innocent babies. I immediately got up off the bed, I looked at the clock and it was
3:45 pm. My babies were missing for ten hours while I was sleeping, I need to find them before it's too late and make
whoever did this pay.

"Stop Caterina you need to rest," Carmella said grabbing my arm. I pulled her off my arm and changed into some clothes on my bed side. Carmella drove us back home and took me to the meeting room where Luca and Louis was. They apparently been there for hours searching for them and they couldn't find anything Carmella explained to me in the car. I barged into the room pissed off.

WHERE MY BABIES ARE," I said screaming. Luca avoided eye contact with me because he couldn't bear to look at me after he couldn't find our babies.

"I'm sorry but we're doing our best," Louis said trying to sit me down.
"Well I'I find them myself." I said

"How would you do that, we've done everything." Louis said hopelessly

"I'll go search every house, every building, every tunnel in Italy until I find them." I said

"I'm sorry Caterina but their gone." Louis said taking a deep breath.
"I... I don't want to believe that........ I never
even got to see them. " Louis words were hitting me hard, I felt tears coming out of my eyes, I started kicking chairs and screaming. I felt myself falling, but Luca caught me and I was on my knees crying in his arms. Louis and Carmella left to give us some space. My whole world was falling apart and I couldn't stop it.

"I'm sorry principessa," Luca's voice was low and soft.

"I.... I never got to se them.... I never got to hold them.... I never got to show them their home.... I never even got to name them." I was endlessly crying in his arms.
My heart was broken and I don't think it can be fixed again.

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