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I moved back away from Louis. I didn't
see Louis like that, I saw him as a brother
figure. Then the nurse came in the room,
"Ms. Medici Mr. Romano is in stable
condition, we was able to remove the
bullet successfully however, he's in a
coma and it's up to him now if he will
wake up or not. "Saved by the nurse, but I
felt a relief but I also felt as if their was a
rainy cloud above me.

"Am I able to see him ?" I asked her. The
nurse nodded yes and I ran to his room.
He was lying in a bed hocked up to
machines and it broke my heart. I walked
up to him and held his hands, I kissed his
hands and cried.

"Luca Romano you amaze me, you had
me thinking the Luca I knew was gone,
but apparently he was just hiding and
waiting to come out. Thank you Luca for
saving me but if you don't come back to
me I will kill you myself . Please come
back to me I miss you." I begged him
tearing up, I wiped my eyes and saw Louis
there and I could tell he heard everything.

He took a deep breath and folded his arms,
"I didn't mean to east drop...... but.... I.... I
can tell you love Luca... you may not
know it yet but I can tell and I don't want
to get in the way of that." I stood there
staring at him, I couldn't mange to speak.
I just stood there. I looked down and
whispered "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I should head back and manage
things while Luca is out... I think Luca
will be in good hands with you." Louis
voice was soft, he didn't look at me he just
left. For the rest of the day I stayed with Luca and just did work from my laptop. I
looked at the time and it was 8pm so I
decided to shower and came back, I sat in
a chair next to his bed and fell asleep.

A month has passed and Luca was still in
a coma, I was worried and it scared me.
During the day I managed my mafia it was
pretty calm, and I also went to the
Romano's every day to help Louis with the
work. At first it was awkward between us
but then we started to go back to how we
were and he knew we were just friends.
You'll never believe this also, Carmella
and Louis had been hanging out. I don't
know how it happened but they clicked
and their really cute they have date night.
At night I would talk to Luca about my
day and everything he's missed. Then I
would fall asleep next to him every night,
I haven't slept in any bed in over a month.

"Caio Luca, it's been a month and you're
still not back. Please keep fighting and don't give up on me." I held his hand and
sobbed, I missed him so much and he's
like this because of me.

I felt his hand hold mine back. "What's
wrong principessa." I couldn't believe me
eyes, Luca was awake. I jumped onto his
bed and kissed him without thinking, he
put his arm on my back and kissed me
back. We stopped and our heads was so
close I could feel his breath on my face.

"You came back to me." I whispered
letting a tear run down my cheek. He
pushed my hair behind my ear and put his
hand on my cheek and whispered,
"always." It felt like a dream he was here
with me, I laid down next to him on my
side and he turned onto his side facing me.

"I heard everything principessa, I may
have been in a coma but it felt as if I was
there with you. I heard everything of what
you said on the first night and every night after that. I heard you crying every night
and I wanted to just hold you but I
couldn't. Mi dispiace principessa (I'm
sorry princess). "What he said brought so
much pain, he heard everything, how
weak I was without him. We barely knew
each other but it felt as if I couldn't live
without him.

"Grazie il mio amore (thank you my love),
you saved me and I was such an ass to
you." I said sadly.

"I was too, but let's start over." He said
with his hand on my cheek. I nodded yes
and he smiled at me, oh how I missed his
smile. "Did you just call me amore?" He
said smiling.

"It slipped out sorry." I looked away, but
he lift my head up so I can look at him.
"Don't be sorry, I love it." He smiled and
he started kissing me. I wanted this move
then ever, I never felt like this before but I didn't care he had my heart and I hoped he
didn't break it.

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