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Three weeks has passed and we were
happy, we were constantly together and it
was the best feeling in the world. We even
went on missions together. Everything was
perfect and nothing could ruin it. I wanted
to surprise Luca for our one month
anniversary so I headed to his house with
a teddy bear. Which I ended up regretting,
I saw Selena leaving his room in her
underwear and bra.

"Oh hey Caterina it's been so long. If you
want to talk to Luca give him a second to
get dressed we had a long night." She said
smiling at me, my heart broke. I was so
mad I punched her in stomach and
dragged her into Luca's room and threw her on the floor.

I said with tears in my eyes.

"Caterina it was a mistake I'm sorry please
let me explain," He said putting pants on.

"For how long..." I said looking at him.

"It was only this one time," he said looking at the floor.

"Luca Romano how could you. I let my
guard down for you... I gave you my heart
and you threw it away like it was nothing.
I stood by your side the whole time you
was in a coma. By the way happy one
month, " I threw the teddy bear at him and
ran out his house. He chased me down the
steps but I slammed the door on him. I felt
like a idiot, he took advantage of me and I
let him. I told my men at the front door
that Luca Romano is not allowed on my ran out his house. He chased me down the
steps but I slammed the door on him. I felt
like a idiot, he took advantage of me and I
let him. I told my men at the front door
that Luca Romano is not allowed on my
property and if he tries to get in shoot him.
I went to my room and cried. Carmella
and Louis heard what happened and
Carmella came home to see me.

"Mi dispiace mia sorella (I'm sorry
sister)," she said holding me on the floor
while I cried into her arms.

"I loved him Carmella, and I never even
got to tell him." I said to her.

"I know." She whispered in my ear and
held me until I cried myself to sleep, then
she tucked me in.

*** A week passed***

I've been in my room, in bed for a week
Carmella brings me food but I haven't
spoken to her or Louis. I been working
from my room on my laptop. I over heard
her and Louis talking outside my door,
they were saying how apparently Carmella
chewed off Luca's head, Luca tried to
come over and the guards tried to shoot
him, and how he's been a drunk asshole to
everyone since our fight. I didn't care
though I just never wanted to see him
again. I finally decided it was time to get
my life back and move on. I took a shower
and put on black sweater with black
leggings and slippers. Hey, I said I would
move on doesn't mean I have to dress up. I
headed downstairs to go eat.

"Caterina! You're out of your room, how are you ?" Louis said shocked giving me a

"I'm ok." I lied but I just didn't want
people to worry about me.

"I beat up Luca for you, he's such an idiot,
I'm really sorry." Louis said to me

"It's fine." I tried to walk away but he
grabbed my shoulder.

"I hate to do this to you but we need to
have a meeting about the De Lupo's.
with Luca." Louis said hesitantly to me.

"LOUIS! Fine whatever tell him he can
come over in an hour, and tell the guards
he can come in." I said to Louis. I went to
my room and I changed my clothes. If I
was going to see him I wanted to show him what he was missing I put on a black
dress, black leather jacket, and black
boots. I was in the meeting room when
Louis arrived with Luca. Luca and I made
eye contact, and it was like I was falling in
love with him all over again.

"So tonight De Lupo's are planning to
steal our shipment so I thought why not
the three of us and some men surprise
them." Louis said

"I thought the De Lupo's leader was dead,"
Luca asked.

"He is but his son took leader ship, his
name is Angelo De Lupo and he is 20."
Louis said.

"Ok well great we'll get a chance to kill
Angelo tonight," I stated standing up ready to leave.

"Wait can we talk alone," Luca asked.
Louis left the room closing the door behind him.

"Please Caterina I'm really sorry I never wanted to hurt you."

"But you did." I said

"I told Selena to never come back please
give me another chance," Luca held my
hand and begged me.

"You really hurt me Luca, I just don't
know if I should trust you again." I said
pulling my hands away.

"Please, I will make it up to you." He said stepping closer putting his hands on my

"I swear to god Luca if you break my
heart again I will kill you." I said seriously

"Just like you would kill me if I didn't
wake up from that coma." He chuckled, "I
promise principessa." He kissed me, and
just like that all was good in the world. We
laid in bed talking until it was time for the
mission, and around 7pm we headed to the
docks. Louis, Luca, and I hid behind
shipment containers until we saw the De
Lupo's. I spotted Angelo and three other
men so I pulled out my gun and told them
to freeze. Angelo dropped his gun and
said, "I knew you would be here let's talk."
Luca and Louis looked at each other
skeptically, while I stepped closer to

"About what?" I stated

"I just want something," he said

"What is it you want," Luca said.

"Caterina Medici," Angelo said smiling
"Over my dead body," Luca stated

"That can be arranged," Angelo smiled
and his men came out of nowhere and
surrounded us. His men started firing and
Luca was behind me shooting the men
behind me. All of a sudden, Angelo
grabbed me and Luca shot Angelo in the
chest, but he had a bullet proof vest.

"CATERINAAAA!!" Luca yelled as I was
thrown into the car and knocked out.

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