The Mission

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Dad and Marcello quickly briefed me
on the mission for tonight. They said it
would be grandfather and I with a couple
men going to the docks to secure a big
shipment tonight. This was a easy mission
but dad did this so grandfather and I can
try to reconnect and bond. I wasn't happy
about it but I wasn't going to turn down a
mission. I went to my room to sleep to
prepare for my long night.

I woke up around 5;30 and took a shower. After my shower I put my hair in a low ponytail and put on some clothes. I wore a red t shirt and black leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and black boots. The Medici's always wore black and red on our missions to know which was on our side.
It was 7 pm now and it was time to head
to the docks, grandfather and I took the
same car and we went over he plan on the
way. When we got to the docks
grandfather and I scouted around to make
sure everything was good and then we
went to the meetup spot at the edge of the
docks. We sent some men to circle the
area, and some stood guard hidden
between the shipments.

An hour had passed and no shipment
had arrived yet so we started to get
suspicious. "What time did you say they
were supposed to be here by," I asked
grandfather looking at my watch.

"8:15," he said skeptically. The time was
now 8:34 pm and we were suspicious.
Grandfather pulled out his phone to text
dad when all of a sudden we heard a noise
we were too familiar with.

*** Gunshot sounds in the distant***

It had happened so fast. Grandfather
was on the ground, dead. I started firing
toward the area I heard gunshots, but then
next thing I knew a bag was over my head
and I was injected with something.
Everything went black.

I woke up in a dark room, I was sitting
on a metal chair and my hands were tied
behind my back, around me was concrete
walls and a big metal door with a small
opening that was shut. There was a small
light above but it was very dim. I managed
to slip my hands out of the rope and was
free, but then it hit me, my grandfather
was dead and I had been kidnapped. I
pushed the metal door open and it was
unlocked for some weird reason. Whoever
kidnapped me wanted me to come to
them, and that I did. I looked down the
hall and saw some steps and I walked up
to a bright light. I looked around the place and it was familiar, like I been here before
but I couldn't remember. It appeared I was
in someone's house and it was very big
and nice, I walked down the hall and there
he was. Lorenzo Romano and a couple of
his men.

"Caio! I'm glad you found your way out,
you hungry ?" He was smiling at me
offering a plate of cookies. This must be a
sick joke.

"Diavolo (devil)! You killed my
grandfather and kidnapped me, I'll kill you
for that," I looked at him in his eyes with
blood lust, I wanted my revenge and I was
going to take it. He not only took my
mother from me but also my grandfather, I
swung my fist at his face and kicked him
in a place where the sun doesn't shine.
Then his men grabbed me and I punched
one of them then another, but they finally
got a good grip on me. Lorenzo was
laughing, He found it amusing while I was furious.

"Calmare le donne, (calm down women)
I'm not going to hurt you I'm just using
you to send a message. I killed your
grandfather because he killed my brother
so I took you to drag your father out of
hiding so I can kill him and then The
Medici's will fall." He said with no signs
of remorse.

"You're forgetting something though," I
said to him.

"Che (what) ?" He looked at me confused.

" I will be the next leader of The Medici's
and I will rain hellfire on your entire
family and mafia, tutto è giusto (all is
fair)." I said looking at him straight into
his eye to show him I was serious. He
started laughing, and he looked at me like
I was a joke.

"A girl has never been a leader and even if
you are it'll be too easy to destroy your
mafia." He said still chuckling. I wasn't
having it, in a quick motion I broke out of
the guards grip and grabbed a gun out of
one of their pockets and shot them in their
feet and pointed the gun at Lorenzo right
in between his eyes.

"I may be a girl but I'm a badass one, my
name is Caterina Medici and I will lead
The Medici's and kill you and your entire
family and keep the title of number one
mafia in Italy." I said to him smiling, now
whose just a girl. He looked at me
shocked and speechless, guess he wasn't
expecting a girl to be so tough. Then all of
a sudden a guy came out of nowhere and
grabbed my gun from me and pointed it at

"What are you doing here and who are
you," he looked at me with a serious look.

"I'm Caterina Medici who wants to know?" As soon as I said that he immediately
lowered the gun.

"It's been a while principessa (princess), "
he looked at me smiling. As soon as I
heard princess I knew who it was.

"Luca Romano," I said.

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