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I trembled as I walked in through the electronic gates of the new campus. It was a new year, a new place, and, hopefully, a brand new me. I wanted to burn the bridge of the last book I read and looked forward to the next 364 pages to come. But, how can one forget such a distinct experience if the taste of bitterness still lingers in your mouth?I was kindly greeted by the security guard at the gate, and waved at by the old man sitting observantly on the bench across the bright green lawn. The sun finally ceased to pierce my skin as I stepped into the shade that was generously given by the enormous trees. It stood there proudly, portraying their giant like exteriors, guarding the grounds. It was a shockingly simple registration process even though I changed my entire career. I don't know if it was the experience that made me change my course of direction, or faith. But what I did know is that whilst studying I realized that I felt an inclination to business studies. 

I was led to class rooms 1,3,6 and 8 simultaneously. After the completion of each task, bam! Just like that, I was a student at Regenesy's Business School in Johannesburg. I officially started campus two weeks later. I entered the campus gates and headed straight to the cafeteria. It was a private campus, so the distances between places were much shorter than that of a public campus. I walked through the crowd and stood outside the shut cafeteria door. I saw a girl sitting on the bench as I got closer. She wore a light blue denim jeans and bright pink sneakers. Her hair was red and curly and dropped just below her shoulder blades. She wore huge, dark pink glasses that complimented her golden-brownskin. She was just a few inches shorter than me with the same amount of awkwardness as me. I went up to her, and greeted. I asked if I could take the seat next to her and she politely welcomed me. I scanned around the yard, seeing so many new faces. They all seemed to have known one another. Bronwyn and I were surrounded by a group of people who spoke about the experiences they've shared back when they knew one another either from school, or vacation work. From where I was seated, campus was just a big reunion for them. The only two people who were utterly lost was myself, of course, and the marshmallow covered girl next to me.

Anyway, like all girls, we spoke. We found out everything we could about one another. She told me how she had a younger sister and how her passion had always been business. Let's just say that in the little time we had, I felt as if I've known her for years. She spoke a lot, and she was raging with positive energy. That entire year was one that I would not mind reliving a million times over. I walked into my new found classroom along the grey office carpets. I saw cameras hung up against the walls, or were they projectors? I was not sure. The lecturer was not in yet and I was glad for it. It gave me time to scan the people that I would be spending my year with. Or in my case, 3 years with... (so I thought). I walked further down, passing the lecturers table and stood there for a minute. Everyone, I noticed, was in their own little bubble. There were two rows of tables, one with six tables laid out in a straight line next to the first row of six, neatly extending down on the right side near the door and windows. I was now trying to decide where to be seated while standing in the middle of the two rows. I understood that I needed to choose carefully because my seat would have my fictitious name written on it, just like the others did. There were empty tables in the middle and at the front of the left-hand row. I guess you'll always have front-row anxiety, no matter how old you become. 

Let's first talk about the row of tables that fell against the door: A woman with dark skin and striking blue hair was seated on the second column, closest to the wall. Her features were lovely. She had the biggest smile on her face, and her hair fell in wavy strands to her neck. She appeared on the posters that were affixed onto the noticeboard. There were flyers asking for volunteers to assist with Wednesday campus activities. Her name was Hannah, I think. She appeared to be having a lengthy talk with Priyanka, a girl she had just met. 

Priya was a short, dynamite packed female. She was not one to mess with. She was the shortest in class, but had the rage of a fully-fledged lioness. A sort of rawness dwelled in her. I guess it was because she came from untamed neighborhood. I did not want to get on her bad side... or her good side, if I am being frank. I didn't know what to expect from that kind of company, so I took my chances and decided against sitting near them. 

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