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My escape was romance, and sometimes it was directed to guys who caused more damage than good. My next experience was still a controversial topic. Was I over reacting, or was he a red flag? You decide. My uncle from my mum's side was a well renowned attorney in Johannesburg. He insisted that I explore his field, he said it would help me develop my skills in the real world if I went out, even if it was for academic purposes. So, I agreed. I told him that I would meet him at court when he has to argue his next case. It was actually interesting. It was a criminal matter where the accused 'kidnapped', or had taken back his child from his ex-wife. I sat at the back of the court room, and listened attentively. I couldn't help it. I was engrossed. After the case, I waited patiently for my uncle to fetch me when he was done speaking to the opposing team.I grew weary of the messages on my phone, so I looked up to scan the room. Just then, I glanced at him from across the Court room. 

There was a palpable number of guys around, and my antiquated soul was somehow captured by just one. I didn't think he noticed me when his eyes met mine, so I looked away until I had the opportunity to take another glance, when I could be certain that it would go unnoticed. He stood there, with a poker face. He intimidated me but he seemed so gentle, still. Firm, but gentle. Glazed freshly with a navy-bluesuit draped succulently around a white silk shirt. He complimented this style with a lilac waistcoat flowing naturally beneath a maroon tie. All fell in seemingly with his rose beige skin tone. I watched him chuckle at something his colleague had said as he gripped on more tightly to his clear covered matt black iPhone. I watched him flow away into the moment with everything he did. That's what had enthralled my existence, temporarily- his emanation was nuanced with such glowing zest. There was a moment during which an overwhelming burst of emotion possessed me into thinking of sending him an innocuous greeting if he did pass me. But my inner-self firmly refuted that flaring pleasure. Of course, the amygdala in my brain was crippled when his presence became more apparent. I was flummoxed by his beastly beard, and I think that might have prompted me to extend an impromptu 'hi'. I was bashful when he turned to look at me, and anxious when I realized that I hadn't thought this through. 

'Hi, I'm DS as in Dylan Sullivan', he said warmly. 

'Issabella, and well... my friends call me Bell, if we're going on nicknames. Nice to meet you', I replied with a sigh of relief. 

'And I, you. Sooooo, to what do I owe this pleasure?', he continued, with raised eyebrows. 

 'Well, the reason is still an enigma. It just seemed to me that we might get along. Up for the challenge? I said whilst harboring an oversized smile that I tried so desperately to hide. The vestigial awe arose as a bright red pigment on my cheek bones when he offered to walk me down to the parking lot. I could have sworn that he blushedtoo. Nonetheless, for safety reasons I happily agreed... 

 With the little time that I had spent with him, I felt as though my mind was an outdated building. I didn't try competing with him because we weren't even growing around the same winds. His blew north, and mine south. As luck would have it, however, we had managed to catch a mutual breeze. It was for that reason that I thought it to be a spiffing idea to hint if he would be open to continuing our current conversation further online. Consequently, he crucified me for the gesture. I can't say I blame him for his charming banter though- I guess my confidence did waver as I asked. I had now stepped into uncharted territory of being the 'hunter', rather than being the pray. After teasing me relentlessly for asking for his number, he happily abided. And, I'm proud to say that I was happy with my first victory as lioness. I received a text from him not too long into the day. From that I fathomed that mutual attraction did in fact exist. I wasn't sure how far the river would travel, though. 

A mere two weeks had passed and I had already started sinking into the depths of comfort around him. It was a rare occurrence for me, given my vast experience. Generally speaking, the men I went out with, didn't quite fit the general idea of the kind of man I wanted to attract. He was different, to say the least. Like an origami design that only some might understand. The kind of difference that would usually hinder my performance, and pressure me into retreating to the bridge of my ship until the storm had passed. His surreal 79oddness, however, pulled me closer by a mystical current. I was instantaneously enslaved by it. He felt real to me. He was passionate in who he was and I enjoyed that about him. I enjoyed watching his ingenuity towards himself, his values, his art and work.I was in a state of extreme toxic independence when I met him. 

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