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Again, before you read this chapter, try to imagine yourself in my position for a moment. At the age of 16, if you are a people-pleaser, you won't recognize someone else's rejection or disliking of you as their own personal demons. You interpret it as a personal attack against you. You wallow in self-loathing, and then commit self-destruction. Even if you're selling authenticity- if you're a people pleaser, you're constantly thinking that "the customer is always right." Moving on, it was four months now that I hadn't spoken to Jason, and in these four months, Julian and I started speaking a lot more. He just offered comfort and friendly advice about my situation and I thought there was no harm in using the helping hand... After all, he was in a committed relationship. After several days of diligent study, our math teacher suggested that my cousin Harry and I attend math lessons. Harry has been in my class since first grade. He constantly offered me lunch and helped me with my homework. Of course, I didn't need either of the two as I had myself under control. But he would always make the offer. Due to the male and female segregation that was instituted in my school after grade 5, it became more difficult for us to spend time together as we moved through the grades. Men and women were not permitted to interact with one another in our school. 

At that age, I didn't understand why, but as you get older, you realize how important hormones are to your development, and keeping them under control thereof. We still communicated via social media, though. We also attended tuition together at a public school, Lincoln Heights Secondary School (LHSS). He was a rather fascinating being, in a good way. I remember years back, all the way back to grade 3 when Harry banged a boy against the door for talking to me. I could hardly blame him for taking such drastic measures, though. I mean, I was the one who tearfully complained to him that "that tall boy is talking to me and troubling me and I don't want to speak to him anymore", and so naturally 'the tall boy' got punched in the nose, hit the door and started to bleed. Harry visited he office for his violence. Ooops. He boldly defended himself by innocently professing that 'I won't take shit from boys who trouble my cousin'. I loved that moment. I felt as if I had a guardian angel. Anyway, Harry and I agreed to meet at Mrs. Singh's house for math tuition on a Saturday evening as we were experiencing the same problems in the examinations. It was a beautiful Spring's afternoon with a slight breeze making the leaves of the tress dance to its gentle tunes. My dad dropped me of outside the house and warned me to text him as soon as I reached inside. It was a two-way walk down the driveway, straight into her house and he could view everything, yet he wanted be to keep him informed. I didn't understand his depth of protection, but a father is a father and the pet that I am, I listened. I entered the lounge where Mrs. Singh welcomed me warmly and took me to the dining area. She had me seat myself near her so that she could monitor my progress. Seconds later, Harry walked in, greeted me and sat near me. 'Are you ready?' he asked me as he took out his calculator from his big black pencil case. For a boy, at that age, he was extremely dedicated. I always admired his perseverance for education. He always had his stationary in orderand his books were always kempt. 


'For exams how'

'Oh, noooo. Not even in the slightest. That is why I am here. Have you started studying?'

'Yes. I go over different subjects every night'. Before I could express my amusement, Jullian entered. I was really so confused. I had no idea he would be there. I was frustrated, at the same time, because I knew that he was there to have fun, and not to study.

'Bell, what are you doing here', he asked me, holding a broad smile on his face.

'To learn, Jullian...', I spat in annoyance.

'What's up with you, moody cat?' he asked me, obviously picking up on my disapproving attitude.

'Nothing.' I said to avoid any further delay. After a whole session that took two, almost three, hours Mrs. Singh politely kicked us out. We figured she was tired so we did not want to linger the process. As we made our way out of the house, back into the yard, I heard Jullian tell Harry, 'Tell her. You promised you would'

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