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If I had already lived my life, and I was just now writing about my experiences, this chapter would undoubtedly be my favorite. Not because it was the best, nor the worst, there were no extremes in the way it went down. I was just surrounded by an undisguised aura when it came to the intensity of the waves of emotion that gushed against my shores. They say that saying the words 'I love you' to the person you love most, is the hardest. And that the most difficult of emotions are the most complicated to talk about. Thus, the reason I say that I would've written this chapter last, had I had that opportunity, was because, I guess, I would need all the experience life has to offer for me to even begin to convey to you what I am about to. Now, going back to the first day I met the start of my next romantic chapter. 

Back to a lone bench. It was a vibrant day at campus, it almost always was, but on that day, I was exceptionally happy. I think it was so because I was uncluttered after a really long time- I wasn't attached to anyone. I burnt all past bridges holding me back and my mind and heart was finally liberated from my dreadful love life. Simply put, I was free. To commemorate my freedom, I spent most of that day enjoying my own company, learning how to walk again down the paths I was passionate about. And on that exacting day, that path lead me outside the campus gates. Well, it was also because campus times were over and I had to wait outside to be picked up. Nonetheless, it felt vibrational. I settled down on a rusted bench that cupped an old concrete table, planted in midst of luscious looking grass. It lay ghostly underneath a couple of stunning purple trees that aided and abetted me from the midday sun. Being hidden from the sun was my kind of magic trick, indeed. Whilst I waited, I yanked my phone out of the netted compartment on my striking hot pink bag and immediately opened up 'Snapchat'. I needed to document the breathtaking appeal of nature, and captioned it with some lame quote that I had googled. You could say I was somewhat of a celebrity on snapchat at that time- it was the only app I used, and snapping was the perfect way to ward off people who tried to have a conversation with you. Needless to say, I don't do 'small talk'. 

The magical claws of the shady abode extended further than myself, on that day, I noticed. I saw the sun shy away from the face of a fellow student as he 65came closer to my side of the lawn. I looked up but didn't stop to ponder on it, everyone had to pass me to get out through the gates. I was stunned as he approached me at not the gate. The phone in my hand didn't scare him away and he must have found my resting 'bitch face' appealing if he walked all the way down instead of turning around to run. 

'Hello', he said, which a huge smile on his face.

'Hi!', I replied with equal glee to match the mood. 

'Do you mind if I sit with you? The other bench is crowded', he said, pointing to the other side of the lawn, at a lone bench, with a total of one person and an almost dead plant. 

'Sure', I said with an even bigger smile at the effort of it all. He either really wanted my company or really didn't want the company of the person on the other side. Regardless, I agreed because he looked familiar. I vaguely remember being introduced to him by a common friend earlier that week in the main hall. He didn't give me a second look and I didn't give him the first. But, as we've seen, the usual methods didn't avert this gentleman's direction and so he returned.

'I'm David', he told me as he threw his bag across the table and took a seat on the opposite side of me.

'Issabella, but my friends call me bell', I responded as I stared into his crystal green eyes. I didn't say anything because green eyes are quiet common in my family. In fact, I just missed it, myself, by a generation. Jokes on me, I guess. And well, it was also because the common friend we shared told me to specifically look into his eyes when she introduced us. He looked bashful, but dear god was I embarrassed too. Obviously, I moved past it if I wanted to figure out what else he had to offer. 

Like a movie, not only did we speak without pause, or connect to a point of synchronization, we also discovered that we had similar interests and came from a background of families that once knew one another. We had the same passion for learned motivational speakers, and romantic, undying, unconditional love. We also shared in a long line of messed up love interests and naturally found solace in one another. But this wasn't your typical, boy meets girl and they fall in love type of movie. No, this was the story of soulmates that were brought together. On a path ignited by a serene echo that was soundless to the rest of the world. And their affiliation would cause a tremor so extreme and so ironically loud, that it would create a rock-lined esplanade to bare the destination of their eternal friendship. Time went by and I felt myself getting closer to someone who didn't give me anxiety. It was weird. He spoke to me at appropriate times, he never made snarky comments about my body, he didn't flirt like a pervert and he replied timeously. I didn't think he felt the same connection as I, though. He was good at hiding his emotions and he was the first person I couldn't read. In that, I thought he had no emotion for the whole first half of our friendship. 

We become friend's mid-year, and October 22nd was the first time I realized that we had shared the same sentiments. I went down for holiday to my aunts that weekend. My cousin, Katy, and my sister were in the kitchen laughing about some tv series as they boiled up a good pot of coffee for our movie, I recall. We had a tradition of meeting every night on Friday the 13th since school, and because we were unavailable on Friday the 13th that year, we decided to come as close as possible to Halloween -October 30th. I was about to wake up from my really comfortable position on the carpet to see what all of the commotion was about when I received a call from David. I was surprised because he hadn't texted me since Wednesday, and a bit confused seeing that thus far, we've only texted. I stared at my phone turn bright green for a whole 5 seconds and then felt it vibrate on my thigh before I picked it up.

'helllo...', I said, without hiding my confusion. 

'hi! I'm sorry for the call I just really needed your help', he said. 

'hmm sure, whats up'

'well I have a friend, and he's stuck on his ex, and he wants to get married soon. I know this seems unorthodox and it is, but you've helped me get over my ex when we started speaking. You did a really good job at that, too. Anyway, I thought that maybe you could help Aiden. Also he is like a brother to me and I don't trust anyone else to handle this. I trust you...', he completed, with sheer emotion in his voice. Touched, I took a second to compose myself and said sure. I wasn't the type to speak to guys online at that time because I was paranoid, but I knew I had a special kind of friendship going here and I didn't want to ruin that. 

Not long after I spoke to Aiden, did things get complicated. Clearly not doing that again. Aiden apparently mentioned me to his ex and the girl he wanted to marry and I was incinerated for trying to help out. But something good came of it, David proved his loyalty. He stood up for me, helped me out of the mess. One that he created, but I try not to dwell on such. I also sensed a reverberation of jealousy in his voice when he heard how close his friend and I actually became after this incident. He didn't do anything about it except nonchalantly mention that it wouldn't be a good idea to continue my alliance with Aiden. Unquestionably, he had good cause. He looked rather pleased that he had any cause at all. I couldn't help tease him for it, too. I loved how he just smiled in acknowledgement when I mockingly taunted him that he cared for me. He would never agree or disagree, he would just smile esoterically.

On May 18th, he gave me my first gift. He received 'brownie points' (I learnt that word from him) for this one. I remember him calling me a week before my birthday to casually ask me questions about when my birthday was because he was uncertain. When I refused to give him any hints, he told me he asked the receptionist at the campus desk to confirm if my birthday was on the 16th or the 18th. I thought it was an exceptionally beautiful gesture, until I saw a picture of his year planner. He sent me that image an entire month before February. Lo and behold! I found my name and birthday documented as neatly as ever on the correct date. He pretended to fish around in confusion to either get an applause for remembering or to throw me of completely, or to plainly piss me off. Either way, it was then that I resized that I was dealing with a psychopath. We spent the whole of 2017 becoming close friends and to best friends, I daresay but things went downhill fast after September.

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