The Spark

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There was a spark in me. I tried to kill it, but she prevailed and then made me taste the breeze, I succumbed. But what for? Well, that's easy. I was used to ocean breeze, wet and cold, it killed the starting fire every time it took control of me. But now? Yours was a gentle wind, evasive yet kind, it didn't destroy the spark, it fueled it, started a fire. Oh what a beautiful, warm sensation. Quickly it spread through everything, an arsonists dream, and I was one, in the blazing heat I thrived I was overwhelmed. One day, that long it raged, but then it died, died rapidly and what was left was only longing for more and me burned. Truly you managed to make me feel so many new feelings. Every time I build any kind of a wall the flames reapeared, over and over.
Where should I run, if everywhere is you.

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