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06 - the greenhouse

To my relief, the day I returned to school was mostly taken up by a field trip to Port Angeles, to a greenhouse for all of Mr

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To my relief, the day I returned to school was mostly taken up by a field trip to Port Angeles, to a greenhouse for all of Mr. Molina's biology class. He, alongside the other chaperones, had been quick to tell me not to overexert myself. I thanked them but found it all a little ridiculous, my head barely hurt, and I felt fine. Did they think I'd be in school if I was still feeling awful?

"Bella! I'm glad to see you're alright, for the most part." I greet the brunette as we wait to board the buses. She was on the outside of the crowd, all interest in her injury had subsided when I showed up this morning. Now people were flocking to me to ask how I was doing. Bella, despite her injury being far worse, was old news.

"Glad to be alive." She awkwardly comments, accidentally reaching to brush her hair back with the cast hand. Tangling her hair in the Velcro.

"Lemme help." I offer, freeing her hair out of the straps. "How do you feel? How's your hand?"

"Broken," She tries to joke. I don't think I know someone who makes me cringe and feel pity as much as Bella Swan does.

"Hey, Bella, can I talk to you?" Mike Newton asks her, strolling up to where we stood.

"Um, yeah? What's up?" I want to leave their conversation, I can tell he doesn't want me to be around her. But I don't want to abandon her to the boorish boy.

"Well, I was hoping to maybe get you alone." He chuckles, trying to keep the mood light, despite my rude glare. It's obvious that Bella isn't interested in whatever he has to say, but she's being polite. A better woman than me.

"Mike, I'm not going to bother you." I roll my eyes at his words, but knowing he'll continue to pester her for the rest of the day, I excuse myself so he can get it over with. Bella's eyes silently beg me to stay but I scoot away and find Teresa and Jay who are talking amongst themselves about prom plans.

"What did Newton want from Bella?" Jay asks, looking up from a dress catalog she had been engrossed with.

"He wouldn't say with me around." I shrug, glancing at the page that Jay had dog-eared. Not surprising to me, it's a black formal dress that she wants for prom.

"The poor girl looks like she's being harassed," Teresa comments, glancing over in their direction. Her statement rings true, Bella is extremely uncomfortable with whatever Mike is talking to her about, but he's completely oblivious.

"Talking to Newton? She definitely is being harassed." Jay quips, she thinks very lowly of the boy. Partially from when he and I had briefly dated in middle school, but mostly because of his lack of character development.

The conversation between them ends as Mr. Molina shouts at us, trying to herd us into the two buses. It's clear he's already tired of the group before the trip has even officially started.

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