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07 - the waves

"Are you coming to La Push with us this Saturday?" Jessica asks, plopping down at our lunch table momentarily

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"Are you coming to La Push with us this Saturday?" Jessica asks, plopping down at our lunch table momentarily. She was currently elated, after Mike had failed his conquest with Bella, he had turned and asked Jessica. Despite my sometimes low disposition towards her, I believe she deserves better than him. But she was happy enough, so I said nothing.

"La Push?" Bella asks with confusion.

"First Beach at the rez? Have you never been?" Jay asks, forgetting that Bella wasn't really a Forks native.

"Oh, what do you do there?"

"Surf, whale watch, cliff dive." I list the activities on my fingers. My body itching to be back on the beach, the salt air in my lungs, the freezing water against my skin. I love the pure adrenaline I receive from the two more extreme activities. "It's the best."

"Cliff diving sounds dangerous." She chews on her lip, unsure if she liked the idea of joining us.

"Come, Bella, it'll be fun. We always have food too, and there are the tide pools." Teresa advertises to her, presenting her winning smile. "Please?"

"Okay, I'm in. As long as I don't have to surf, or cliff dive." She agrees to our plans, a small smile forming.

"You'll love it, Bella." Jessica agrees.

"If you want, you can ride with us. We're gonna be taking my Bronco down, it carries the boards and supplies better." I suggest.

"Or you could ride with some of us, we're meeting at Mr. Newton's store at 10:00," Jessica informs.

"Um, I'll take you up on your offer, Heather. Thanks."

"Alright, well I'll see y'all tomorrow then." Jessica smiles before bouncing back to her normal table. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"How come you didn't invite your boyfriend?" Bella asks as we park at the beach and begin unloading. My skin turns to ice, my jaw sets to avoid spilling any crude words.

"Heather's got a boyfriend?" Jared Cameron, one of the Quileute kids and Teresa's unofficial boyfriend, asks. He looks utterly shocked, like I'm the last person on earth who'd ever fall in love.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I snap, wanting to drown Jared in the ocean as he guffaws.

"Oh, it's just y'all seem so close. I thought you were dating." Bella reveals.

"She wishes," Jay teases, I mentally add her to my list of people who were getting drowned today.

"Who is it?" Jared asks, turning to Teresa, knowing she'd reveal it.

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