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08 - the dress

The sun is shining brightly for once, which means I can't confront Edward

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The sun is shining brightly for once, which means I can't confront Edward. Although I'm partially grateful for this because despite spending the entire weekend trying to wrap my head around the stranger, I still have no plausible explanation. It's infuriating.

"I confirmed with my mom, we can still go shopping at Port Angeles this afternoon," Jay announces to me and Teresa. We're enjoying the warm weather and Vitamin D, eating our lunches outside on the worn-down picnic tables instead of stuffing in the stuffy cafeteria. Jay's lounging on the bench, fully stretching out as my cat does in a sunspot. Fitting for her.

"Great, we can go right after school." Teresa decides, not wanting to waste any time. We've been planning this trip for a while but always had issues with scheduling. Prom is coming fast and none of us have bothered to buy formal dresses.

"Bella, are you joining us?" I ask the quiet brunette, she has spoken all but once during lunch. She's been too focused on her collection of Jane Austen books.

"Um, yeah, sure. If there's enough room."

"We're taking my car, which uses less gas than the Bronco. We'll have enough room." Teresa assures her, my poor car can make the trip but it was a gas guzzler.

"I'd love to," She agrees, but I don't know how much she actually wants to. We'd spoken before about clothing and she didn't strike me as the fashionable, shopping type. And Bella had already told us she didn't think she'd attend prom. Part of me worries she's only doing it to please us.

"We'll pick you up at four. Give you time to get everything together." Teresa explains, "We can go to the Italian restaurant afterward. You like Italian, right?"

Bella nods as I finish my ham sandwich, balling up the foil and attempting to throw it in the bin. It misses by an inch.

"Damn." I jump up and pick the foil up, properly dumping it in the trash can as the bell rings. Bella joins me for our walk to Biology, handing over my backpack.

"How come the Cullens aren't here today?" Bella quietly asks when we reach the class, my partner absent.

"Dr. Carlisle and his wife pull them out when it's sunny for outdoor recreation. Why they don't hike when it's overcast like the rest of us, I don't know." I tell her with a simple shrug, sitting at my table alone. I don't think I've ever wished to be sitting with Edward more than today, Mr. Molina has once again taken the lecture from his senior class to torture us. I can barely do junior biology, how I'm expected to do senior-level is beyond me.

"Oh, odd." She remarks.

"That's the Cullens for you," I whisper, trying to take in everything Mr. Molina says so I can try and do today's work without the help of my Biology partner.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The drive to Port Angeles is a long one, but it is far shorter when you take into account the loud car karaoke filling the car and spilling out as Teresa's green Sedan speeds down the highway. If Bella Swan wasn't questioning the forming friendship before this, she definitely is now as we screech along to Kelly Clarkson.

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