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12 - the relationship

Though I knew it was rude, I kept Edward on the edge of his seat during our first period

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Though I knew it was rude, I kept Edward on the edge of his seat during our first period. But if he'd been monitoring my mind or even watching my face, the answer was revealed.

"Are you free this afternoon?" I ask nonchalantly in Biology. He stares, somehow caught in surprise by me suddenly speaking to him.

"Yes." He's trying hard to hide a smile. "Why?"

"I need help studying for the midterm." I lie, struggling to hide my own grin. "We can go to the library-"


"Or my house." I had to look away from him, smirking and blushing like a fool. "Whichever is more convenient."

"The library will work." In honesty, I'm glad he choose the library. The idea of a vampire, who swears he's harmless, being at my house just the two of us wasn't something I'm comfortable with, yet. Besides, at the library I don't have to worry about Mom chastising me.

"I'll ride with you over there." He suggests, "Or would your friend have a heart attack?"

"She'll be fine," I chuckle, knowing she will not be fine. But I'll make sure to have my music screeching to avoid conversation. Jay can call me afterwards and scream her head off at me if she wants to.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"What the fuck is this?" Jay gawks, walking up to me and Edward in the parking lot. "Doesn't rich boy have his own ride?"

"We're going to the library to study. Cutting down on CO2 admissions." I shrug, unlocking the car. I can practically hear her screaming at me in her head. I haven't decided if it's good or bad words, probably both.

"Whatever, Edweirdo's getting in the backseat though." She crosses her arms, almost pouting like a child.

"Fine by me." I feel self-conscious as he gets into my mess of a car. His is so clean that my dashboard ducks, piled up air fresheners, and liter make me embarrassed. Don't even get me started on the collage of bumper stickers. "I like your car, it feels lived in."

Jay snorts, swatting away at my hand as I try to get my choice of cassette out. "You can listen to make out music when I'm not here."

I'm resist the temptation to swerve off the road and kick her out on the shoulder. She can walk home, it isn't that far. "Do you want a ride or not?"

"I'm just joking. But like, if ya'll do anything, just be safe." She cackles like a witch, receiving a smack across the back of the head from me.

"Joanna Pierce Ronan I will wreck this car if you do not shut up!" I threaten, thankfully Edward is finding the entire thing hilarious.

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