You and I

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Hailee's Pov:

Y/N made sure I finished all my breakfast. She says she doesn't need me cranky later, as if I ever get cranky.

Well, there was this one time, but it was a one-time thing.

"Babe are you almost ready," Y/N calls out for me.

"Yes yes, I'm just finishing up my makeup." Y/N walks into the bathroom, it didn't stop me from putting the finishing touches of mascara.

"You know, you look beautiful just the way you are. The Hailee that I wake up to this morning, she's everything." Y/N wraps her arms around my waist, resting her head on my shoulder. I can't help but stop due to all the butterflies she's giving me.

"I'm glad you enjoy that Hailee because you're the only one who will ever see that side of her. Don't worry though, I'm not going too heavy on the makeup either," I say turning my body around to face her.

Y/N looks at me from eye to eye as if she's just seeing me for the first time, making my heart flutter. "Well whatever makes you happy, like I said you're beautiful no matter what."

Y/N gives me a faint smile, just enough for her dimple to pop out. It's like she knows what that little bit of a gesture does to me.

I waste no time connecting our lips. Her lips molding into mine.

I pull back, resting my forehead against her, "Let's go before I get too carried away because I don't mind repeating last night."

Y/N rolls her eyes smiling at me. She grabs my hand leading me out of the bathroom, "Alright Steinfeld let's get out of here."


Y/N's Pov:

We arrived at the Yankee's stadium and got out the uber alongside many Yankees fan. I couldn't hold my excitement. I lucked out and got us some seats behind home plate, I haven't told Hailee yet because I want it to be a surprise.

"I hope you're prepared for a fight, I don't think these fans are fond of your Giants gear." She had a point, I was getting death stares left and right. Which could be for the Giants gear, or the fact that I'm holding Hailee Steinfeld's hand.

I clench on to it a bit tighter.

"I'm always gonna rep my team, plus I have you to protect me."

Hailee scoughs, "Oh really. Here I am thinking that you're my personal body guard."

"Well you see, I'm this thing called your girlfriend. That's first but if my protective instincts kick in then yes, I'm your body guard."

Hailee laughs at my comment, smacking my arm lightly. "You're a dork, I'm glad you know you're mine." She places a soft kiss on my cheek.

I walk with my hand guiding her to the security check in. Mainly because I wanted her to go first but there's also a lot of fans calling out her name, I guess the protective instincts are already kicking in.

When we get our tickets scanned from my phone we're instantly met with a guide. Because of our seats we were able to get VIP attention, meaning we were able to see the players on the field for a bit.

As we're walking behind the man many people are staring our way. I'm sure they know of the beautiful woman by my side, I can hear the little squeals coming from little girls too. I found it very cute. Many people adore her for many things, and now I can be by her side admiring it all.

Hailee knocks me out of thought when she leans down to my ear. "You know I would of loved the nose bleeder seats, you didn't have to go all out."

I look to her with disbelief.

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